I've got a suggestion intended for the future when things are more stable, I will break it down.
Factions and Governments will work very similar but i'll point out some distinctions, Factions will be groups that are opted into, whilst governments will be'groups' that are planet wide and based upon residency on a planet, perhaps determined by which planet a character has spent the largest % of their time on. (Players could also declare themselves stateless but more on that later. Governments will be formed by player ranks, but can also be destroyed causing anarchy, which isn't as bad as it sounds it'd just be a planet with things as they are now.
Income,taxes and roles: Both governments and factions will be able to appoint roles, in which they can designate a specific duty which a member or citizen must fulfill, this will range from citizen with likely little to no obligations, and generally include custom roles that leaders will design, could be as simple as "Soldier" or "Chancellor" "General", etc. Roles will receive an income based on their position which could be dolled out in minerals or zenni, or a combination of both. Faction and government income used to pay roles will be generated via taxes as well as another late game mechanic I envision which will be mentioned later. The tax rate will be set by the planetary leader, or leaders. The taxes will not be automatically extracted from your inventory instead you'll receive a prompt at a preset interval asking whether you decide to pay or not, leadership will receive a list of those who did not pay. TI foresee this being able to spur a lot of roleplay as people will be truly incentivised to work towards their roles and earn themselves a stable income, I do find it quite odd that kings, god like fighters must all dig to sustain themselves, when really a lot of these figures would have backing and support structures in place realistically.
Government and Faction structure: As mentioned above briefly there can be "leaders" of a faction or planet, a faction/government does not need to be autocratic with one leader in place, there could be alternative systems where all citizens or members get to vote on tax rates, and faction/planet guidelines or laws, aka democracy. There could also be a system in which a smaller council of people get to vote akin to an oligarchy.
Income cont. and role of a citizen: Income will be derived solely from taxing other players just to enrich specific roles? That sounds rather horrible so no. (Unless they're under a truly tyrannical fool who will likely be deposed, more on this later.) Income can also be portioned out into multiple 'budgets' "Economic" and "Scientific" budgets. Economic budgets will be used to make investments in capturing and developing government and faction owned PoP's (Personal planets.) which the returns from said Pop's will be placed back into the income stream, thus delivering regular citizens even an increase on their yearly income. So if for example citizens recieve 0.5% of the planetary income per year, but contributing back in taxes that is then used to develop the income stream further they increase their potential earnings for the future. The scientific budget could be used by faction or government appointed scientists to build and maintain a communal cache of technology should the government/faction wish, this could also be role based and limited, for example, a citizen could have access to a fridge and capsule once per life time, whilst a "Soldier" role could be entitled too a sword, armor and scouter every five years or so, as technological advancements are made. The government/faction scientists would receive a small commission for each piece of equipment they produce. Governments or factions could also use their income stream to create communal buildings, such as a palace, housing or arena.
Replacing a government: Of course not everyone may be happy with their government or they may collectively decide they do not want one at all! Players will be able to create counter governments which they decide to opt into and by gaining a majority and deposing the current leader (through death, or use of admin intervention once they've ICly toppled their regime.) they can then decide to forge a new form of government, or erase the system all together and live freely. Once again, players could also decide to just be stateless from the very start, thus avoiding the disadvantages of governments but also losing the advantages, the choice is up to them.
Now this may sound convoluted or too ambitious to many but in reality once implemented it'd work behind the scenes in a simple manner really it's just a bunch of math i've expressed in creative terms designed to really stream line a lot of what people -already- try to establish ICly, but often times fail due to various reasons based on the capacity to organize things via the game mechanics. Some may also hate the idea, but again it'd be optional and in no way mandatory to participate.
I think this idea could be implemented partially or in segments if as a whole it would not fit hobbits wider plan for the game, or entirely not at all if it's seen as unnecessary clutter. But I felt it was an exciting idea and wanted to share it, I think it could promote RP for a lot of people,techies, leaders and the everyday person, it could give them something to aspire to within their lifetime.
Please discuss and give any feedback, very curious what people think.
![]() Feb 6 2019, 8:05 pm
![]() Feb 6 2019, 8:06 pm
Let me know if I missed anything, I just typed this up on the fly.
I dont see any reason to not give it a go it will bring a certain structure to a planet and give players a "job" so to say so they are felt needed and have an important role f their community and not just "We are the strongest so we clique together" kinda thing.
Honestly, Factions and Governments don't sound that bad. It could help in the long term and could be really good.it would actually promote rp.
I suggested something Similar to Hobbit, I am 110% behind this as it gives a bit more depth to player-made governments.
On one hand, I can see how this might sound like a good idea. It would give more legitimacy to ranks other than just making 400% beams.
On the other hand, I look at the people I'm playing this game with and can only see chaos and idiocy coming from this idea (looking at you, current Icer pop). |
This idea is interesting, and I support it.
1. Create the Faction. 2. Name It (Gain access to a HTML editor, which can be edited by authorized Faction Members [originally the creator until they authorize others] to edit it. Enabling those who join to read whatever is submitted - be it a rule list, or a lore. 3. Have access to various verbs [depending on your seniority within the Faction] - Set Tax. Sets the Tax amount, which offers the person setting it a pop-up box. [e.g Zenni: -input 50-]. - Set Tax Cooldown Sets the time it takes for the following skill to go off cooldown: - Request Tax Opens a list of Faction Members on your screen, that have the variable [provided this X [whatever it is set to cooldown wise] tax. So; ``Goku has supplied this year's tax, they are due to supply tax in the year YEAR of MONTH. ```You ask Goku for their tax contribution for YEAR of MONTH. - Recruit Member Recruits someone into your Faction. [Opens a list of those on your screen, who are not in your faction - to be invited. - Kick Member Kicks X member. [Opens a list of members in your faction].. - Create Occupation (/or Rank) Allows the creation of a NAME / Permissions / Pay. 4. Have an automated system that is toggled off to distribute Zenni payments. This would come from a pool of Zenni accumulated by Tax. With the highest ranking members being allocated tax first - and the lower ranking members receiving it last. So if there is only 40 Zenni in the coffer, the leader would receive 40 Zenni / their allotted 100 Zenni). ^^^^^^ Something like that. |
That break down is pretty good. Though i'd make Zenni or/and minerals as well. I feel like minerals have a lot more tangible uses than zenni at the moment. Though it may be slightly more complicated to make a system that incorporates different ratios of various minerals, i don't know though as I can't code xD
So, I'm sure you my thoughts Maegor right?
The system shouldn't be automatic at all, if only having a very tiny bit of automation here and there. (Say for paying out the taxes gathered perhaps.) Collecting taxes should be optional, and what I mean by that, is that, I think you COULD have a system that automatically collects it, but it should be behind two prompts, as well as declining a tax. So it'd be like "Would you like to pay your yearly tax of X zenni and Y minerals" and then "Are you sure you'd like to pay your taxes." and for the no side it'd say "Are you sure you wish to skip paying your taxes, your faction leader will be notified." "Are you sure you want to skip out on paying your taxes?" This way players understand what each prompt does, and it gives them a chance to think, while still keeping the system semi automated. Now, I see that you have a section on spending taxes, and.... I'm not entirely against this, but I'm not on board either. I know you know I hate automation when it doesn't need to be there, and I think this is a situation where I actually think any kind of automation would hurt the system instead of help. I agree that maybe the faction tab should have a "focus" information place, letting people in the faction know what area the leader (or leaders) of the faction is focusing on. But it should be up to the leader to decide on what that focus actually means. You understand what I mean? When it comes to naming the faction, I know you might not like this, but I don't think there should be any HTML formatting. It should just be a simple name. Maybe in the tab there can be a little description blurb about the faction for information, that can be updated by the leader, but nothing more than like 2-3 sentences max. The tab itself should tell you "Who all is in the faction, Who is what rank, And the tax set by the leader of the faction. As well as the name of the faction, and the mission statement/description of the faction. That's all the information that should be relevant to the faction tab. When it comes to say... Getting rid of the faction leader, I think one of three things should be able to undo/change leadership of a faction. Faction leader death, Faction leader leaving the faction, Or the Faction leader passing on the role. In the event of the faction leader getting killed by somebody, they should be named the de-facto faction leader, unless the faction leader had given another member in the faction a rank similar to theirs (AKA making the faction owned by multiple people) In the event of passing the Faction leader role on, it'd be the same as faction leader death. It'd go to the next member in line. So they'd become the faction leader, and the leader of faction would lose their place in the faction and become unranked and be incapable of being ranked again. (If not be kicked out of the faction entirely.) I think a faction system is something that, CAN be a good suggestion, but I feel that it kind of misses the mark in the fact that this an RP game, and the faction system suggested, sounds more like something you'd see in a PvP game yanno? The issue with the faction system that I have, is that it's not really, encouraging RP? Like it's not encouraging people to RP together as a group, it's just a glorified guild system, like what you'd see in all of those PvP DBZ games. Just with some extra features. At the end of the day, I don't think we truly need a faction system right now, Perhaps later on down the road when Genesis is very much further along in it's development, but right now, I feel that it's a big suggestion to be pitching right now. |
In regards to the taxes that's pretty much what I tried to describe. Seems we're mostly in agreement Pink the only areas I disagree are with the spending taxes in which I feel like adding depth to the economy and faction assets and wealth would add depth the RP in which others would covert that and do their best to match economic progression.
As for it not adding to RP? I believe it'd do the opposite, in games like DBG most of the RP is facilitated by game mechanics available, and by adding this system with as much customization as myself, and even as you've described I think it'll give people a framework to work within both for the leaders to be better motivated to organize their people, and for the people under them to get a better sense of how they can progress within the faciton and what their role in the world is. Nice thoughts though, pretty much agree with each other on how it should be done except for the end result it'd have on RP. |
Thank you :)
And the whole reason I say, it wouldn't add to RP (that much) is that, some people would see it as a glorified way to clique up. Imagine having you and all of your friends, you could literally all hoard minerals and Zenni, then have 1 person do a super big tax to say mass upgrade a PoP or something, Just to basically get people to literally get more of their material/zenni than they put in. Does that make sense? I imagine earlier in the wipe though, it'd be a more useful tool. |
Yeah that's one fear but all systems have flaws and I think there's way to mitigate it. I think what you describe would only be a issue if say a clique took over an entire government taxed people to oblivion then pumped it back into their personal characters. Though, there should be some information about government finanaces shown to players or if chosen not to the players could view that as suspicious, I think having a fair and streamlined way to overthrow a corrupt government should be possible and thought out, if it's got a decent number of players involved that should definitely be possible.
I see a few early game tyrants getting overthrown by democracys or oligarchies. |
Oh no yeah, I actually don't know really how to yanno, Solve the problem I mentioned, short of perhaps a voting system that could be trigged by one of the higher up members of the government? (Or perhaps if enough players got together they could also do that vote)
But, I feel that could lead into situations where OOC might get involved yanno? Say that the faction leader does something that somebody OOCly doesn't like, so they'd try to take the government. |
Anyone else got thoughts on this? would love to recieve as much feedback as possible. (jaja9090 here)
I personally think this is too convoluted for my own taste while at the same time it's not very substantial to the game.