
by UnknownHobbit
This is a roleplaying game inspired by Generations.
Before this is started I will explain that this is NOT gpg, the main problem with gpg was everyone gained at the same rate regardless and would catch up to the average power level and stats., seemingly making generations and actually working hard useless. This is not that system, not at all.

The main point of catch up is to make sure the power gap isn't so large that you could have someone with 20 pl in the same room as someone with 32 billion. Catch up instead closes that gap and the 20 pl would probably now be a 20 million, while the 32 billion still attains their power level. Sounds fine right? The other thing about catch up is YOUR GAIN aka, the rate at which you gain that is increased over time and passed onto your kids, remains yours and is ultimately unaffected.

Someone who rides solely on catch up will only ever remain below the curve, as them not attempting to put in any work will remain only at the bare minimum.

As soon as someone caught up they would go back to only gaining the 0.09 kg they created as, while the hard working 32 billion individual could be gaining upwards of 400 kg per tick.

This is only how it worked in DBG as well, this could very easily be altered or modified to even further reduce the rate at which people caught up.
Keep in mind this is not the same as the catch-up system present in the last wipe, in that system rather than just boosting up those under the average, it actively dampened the gains of those above it, resulting in the awkward century where everyone had 100,000 power level.
I played during the whole catch up wipe and a bit of the gpg wipe and of course the catch up wipe was much better. But! Remember a LOT of key players quit that wipe because of this whole catch up nonsense. Just the word "Catch up" made tons of people quit and did they did not bother coming back again.

The reason to why I personally had a problem with catch up was because it took us forever to fplm, the grind, the hard work was insane. Fast forward when we were near like 50million power level or so people spawn into fplm.

LEt me remind you that old dbg people use to hit fplm around the 150-200million rating mark which is a lot. Even if you had intense gains it would still take a lot to fplm. No one was ever born into fplm. Unless you could gain that amount of rating before turning into a kid well then you had 0 chances. But when you spawn into fplm while only having 100k rating it ruins the fun? 0 motivation, 0 excitement, I pretty much spawn and have completed the biggest achievement.

Reason two could be 1st gen some how rping for super forms because they have hit the requirments… come on....this is wrong in 10,000 ways...I use to remake as a Saiyan, rp for a bit and get ssj since I met the requirements. All I needed was a solid reason (Which isn't hard to get). The fact that you spawn having the requirements for something impossible is unbelievable.

My next reason was that catch messed up next generation. Like you'd have personal gains + catch up which is messed up.


Increase 4x gains, people are currently complaining since catch up at the moment is near impossible. Logging off for 10 hours gives I say 5-6 minutes of 4x gains? If my gains a multiplied for that long i'm guessing it's 20-30 minutes of training IF I did not have 4x gains? So for logging off 10 hours only boosts your gains by 20-30 minutes? That's not much is it? Maybe have it so you gain 1/4 of what you would've gained if you stayed on. So 8 hours of logging off should allow you to catch up to at least say 2 hour. Which should in return give you 30 minutes worth of 4x gains.

And the next solution would be so as the generation increase so does the 4x gains for Lower generations. So if majority of the server are at 10th gen. 1st generations have a 9-10x offline gains, 2nd generation get 7-8x, 3rd generation get 5-6x gains and then maybe 4th generation get only 4x gains. I've played DBG for what 8 years maybe? I don't think I've ever seen a group of people who start their own family from scratch while everyone is a 10th gen. They either mated into a stronger family, or done some form of abuse which helped them.

To summarize, keep 4x gains but increase the effectiveness and after x amount of generations have passed increase offline gain value for them.

I agree entirely with Infstarz.
I agree with infinitystarz. Increase the 4x gains. Tweaking the catch up gain system to where people aren't all just the same is good, however, if that idea is implemented people are still gonna complain about how "I can't completely catch up with someone who actually plays the game, it's unfair".

If 4x gains are increased there's more freedom and there's still the chance to catch up but you actually have to put a fair amount of effort in still.
To add on to my post, the thing I did not like about dbg catch up was that you only "caught up". Don't want to brag at all but I was the strongest during the catch up phase (Or that's what I was told by liens I think). If I stopped training for 1 month i'm 99% sure I would've still been above average. So I missed out on 1 month training because lets say I had important exams (Just an example) I come back and have 0 to no boost to my character so I just wasted X amount of irl months of playing for me to fall behind.

Again, this is why i'm against the catch up dbg had since it only worked through the whole "Average" thing.
I would have to say in relation to InfinityStarz post just now is the fact that with the catch up system it was a way to help newer players and perhaps weaker characters literally catch up to the average.

If the issue is the average and that people above it suffer from not training, take a moment to think for a minute and realize that hey even in DBZ when Goku didn't train or others what happened to them? They got weaker. s.

4x gains is literally giving everyone 4x there gains, where as catch up is bringing everyone temporary up to the average though you still have to work to get your personal gain up.

I believe many people would prefer the catch up method over the 4x method when taking a look at it, the only who won't like the catch up method are those select few who want people to never catch up to the power they have attainted or come even close to it.
Dude we haven't even tried 4x for more than a week, people trying for a whole new system be cray-crazy.
Maybe some modifications. Mathematically, if you get a minute of 4x for every four minutes you're offline, you'll gain just as fast as a no-lifer, assuming personal gains work like DBG.
And assuming no fuckery like soup spiking.

Edit- Every minute changed to every four minute.
If it was every minute, that would be fucking nuts. Whup.
They game becomes boring af when an "average" is established, it makes everyone a carbon copy. There's a reason I don't enjoy RPT or other such games because training hard becomes pointless, everything is just fed to you and everyone is essentially the same within a tight range. That's just my opinion anyway, I know others will have different ones and I respect that. But yeah i'm with Somhuan, why can't we just try and adjust the system we have first?
I agree with the 4x gains boost. My experience with Catch-up gains made it seem nonsensical. It's almost like game power communism. Even the cynic in me would say that the simple fix to this apparent issue would be to boost the effectiveness of 4x so that when offline a player is busy with real life for (x) hours they can come back and run up some in-game strength for the time they didn't devote.
The problem with the catch-up system concept that Salas has brought forth to everyone's attention is the simple fact that it would not actually change anything. It would help nobody. All it would do is satisfy people who want to see their numbers get high. In reality, all it ever accomplished in DBG was creating a class of really weak characters that still somehow qualified for Super Forms. The disparity from 1st to 4th gen characters was even higher with this system than with just 4x Gains alone. There is no way for the math behind that system to work in any way other than just being number inflation.

We have to learn from history's mistakes, not repeat them.

The only solution I can see working to keep those who have jobs to worry about in real life in the game is to properly tune 4x gains to a workable and acceptable state of function. My proposal is to give 1 minute of 4x gains per six minutes of offline time, rather than the apparent hour it takes to get less than one minute of gains at present according to InfinityStar. This solves the problem of having it be 4:1 being a little bit too much of a perfect compensation, and still gives a little bit of freedom to be ahead for the people who still devote their entire days to the game.

If you want to be relevant versus a high-generation character when you join late... you'll need to accept that you're probably going to have to create a child with one. It's a very simple, and viable solution, and you don't necessarily have to RP as part of their family... you can still have your own, even if you didn't necessarily establish it from the very beginning.
I don't see what the problem was with the 4x gains, the game is only on its what, like fourth day? After more recent changes to it, the time you get is super low, I agree that it needs to be fixed there, but I was told yesterday morning that they 4x was fixed, and I had logged in with roughly 60 minutes of 4x gains after being offline for like 6+ hours. Those gains were hella good.

Catch-up and GPG just made everyone meh, it was basically whoever had the better build won, which is practically random in this, as you can dump into stats and then still roll them as your lowest modifier. We should just tweak the 4x gains to be proper and I don't think there'll be an issue.
Listen. Aside from Generations not being stronger like they should be. Everyone who dislikes Catch up systems are puss-ee ass power-gamers, change my mind.
The biggest issue is, Generations was never made to function with Cycling. Every wipe I've seen with cycling has been the same thing. X Y Z races are always stronger because of their Power level Mods, and every other race has to gen a bunch to ever even fight back. That's not DBG, it's not fun, only people playing those races like it, and honestly, I don't see why. Generations used to be about playing the game instead of Cycling all day. You used to go off and train with someone and spar until you could defend yourself properly, and RP was developed from people spamming various training and then feeling confident to go out and do things. After Cycling was introduced to the game, the only people who ever feel confident are Changelings and demons. They benefit the absolute most from Cycling, as their power level modifiers allow them to gain more than any other race due to cycling's affect on how training escalates for each person.

I'm sure you all just love Cycling to death, But I heavily assure you, It was cancer of generations, and it will be cancer for Genesis. We need an AFK flag that pops up after 5 minutes and makes it so you can't gain. And with the rule of 'no macro training' That should be enough deterrent. Cycling is not only not needed, it's harmful to the game, it makes balancing more difficult, and it serves as an artificial wall between you and training your character as you'd like, this 'people just do one sort of training to stack a stat, so we need cycling' shit is not an argument, as people can do that with Cycling. And stacking a Stat is meaningless if everyone can do it. All that's needed is some balancing on the gains system, so X Y Z stats do not go up too quickly. A Cap that slows gains down when you're at at the top of the stat ranks. Not terribly slower, perhaps 20% slower. And stats shouldn't gain terribly fast either. No stat should be gaining faster than your Base power level is gaining pre-FPLM, first gen gain rates.

All Cycling will ever do is promote people training by themselves and 'doing their cycle' instead of interacting with others and fucking roleplaying their training.

I'm absolutely certain and I've heard all sides to this and am not changing my mind. Cycling needs to completely go. The game was far- far better without it, and the only thing that was wrong with old generations before it was Glitch-gains exploits and the offspring system. Cycling was a horrible idea, and it's no surprise that it wasn't even Liens' idea to begin with.
"Everyone who dislikes Catch up systems are puss-ee ass power-gamers, change my mind."
I'm absolutely certain and I've heard all sides to this and am not changing my mind. "
Is shit like this why you got banned the first dozen times?