This has been on my mind for a long time and some of it dates back to the Dragon Ball Generations days where I suggested this in a similar form at some point. Nothing ever came of it. I’m not sure if this might be of interest to the players of Genesis but I’ll post this anyway, because you never know! There might be something useful in this wall of text that people might like.
The Afterlife as a good chunk of us knows it, has been more or less the same for almost a decade and never got any major changes (to my knowledge).There’s so much that can be done to make that place more attractive and appealing to players over time. May it be Kai, Demons or Souls, I think they’ll all benefit from potential changes or improvements.
Again, this can get rather lengthy, so I’ll try my best to do this topic by topic.
Giving the Kai a potential racial overhaul
According to Dragon Ball lore, Core People are a thing and were there first. They are from the World Core and are the true race Kai, Supreme Kai and Makai come from. The Core People are born from magical fruit that grow on Kaiju trees and are genderless despite their male and female appearances.
Additionally, Core People live on the World Core unless they’ve been appointed Supreme Kai or Kai. Makai are bad fruit from the Kaiju trees, and there for are cast into the Demon Realm to live their life among the demons and other Makai where they’re ruled over by the Demon Realm Supreme Makai and Demon Realm King, secluded from civilizations.
I think, if it’s within the interest of other players and of course Hobbit himself, we have plenty of options already to make the Kai more interesting somewhere in the future:
- Make Core People a genderless species, or make it something optional much like with aliens so people that still want to conceive offspring with another player character have that option still.
- Possible Kaiju trees as not only decoration, but also a place from where 1st gen Core People could possibly spawn from as fruit if they choose a potential baby option. 2nd gen and so on could also spawn as fruit nearby their parent(s). Though, maybe it’d be a neat idea to keep them close to Kaiju trees so the fruit is nurtured and the poor Core Fruit don’t rot away until they’re ripe enough to turn into a child.
- A variation of Core Fruit that is in sync with the lore: normal fruit make normal kai, golden fruit make supreme kai and rotten fruit possibly makai? Golden could possibly just be considered as a mutation in future generations, so it doesn’t stop normal Core People from being appointed as Supreme Kai.
- Potential world expansion? Core World and Demon Realm? I’m not sure if that would work out in the long run as those places might become less populated overtime, but maybe it’s worth it to take these places into consideration. The Supreme Kai would rule from the Core World, so to speak, whereas the Grand Kai would finally have a role of importance in regards to keeping the Afterlife together with the guidance of the Supreme Kai.
Hell and Heaven would be there mainly for souls. The majority of demons would live in the Demon Realm among the Makai and only a select few assigned by the Supreme Makai/Demon King would govern over Hell in their name. In turn Heaven could be something similar to that, as most Kai would live among the Supreme Kai in the Core World, whereas only those appointed by the Supreme can travel to the check-in station and Heaven, where they’ll then be given a job by the Grand Kai. I suppose it could also work this way for Hell. The Demon King could appoint a Demon Lord, which would pretty much end up being a similar role as to Grand Kai. They’d hand out jobs to Demons that have been sent to Hell to aid said Demon Lord.
New additions to the check-in station slash snakeway map
This one will be relatively short. I’ve already brought up Core World and the Demon Realm, but there might be some more things that could be useful.
- For the longest time I’ve had in mind for the Grand Kai to have their own ‘’cardinal’’ planet. It’s in the anime, why not have one in-game as well? It’d allow the Grand Kai to finally have a place of their own, a place to potentially train their own students.
- Close off the check-in station so that souls can be judged by a Yemma-like character, aka the checkpoint guardian. The checkpoint guardian(s) would have the ability to determine if a new arrival should go into the heavens, the depths of hell and with approval of a cardinal kai; allow them to take their chances at the snakeway.
- Removing the door to hell. New players might get confused thinking it’s a room only to find themselves stuck in hell.
- An extension to the check-in station which has at least one bed so the homeless or bedroll-less don’t die of exhaustion.
*I understand a checkpoint guardian can’t always be online, so this might be a tricky one. I also know this ability could be abused in the hands of wrong people, so perhaps it could be an admin monitored thing for an x amount of time?
Ogre race replacing the Demi-god?
I’m absolutely not sure if people are interested in an Ogre race, but I think they could make a great addition into making the afterlife livelier. Not only could they help the Kai in Heaven and around the check-in station, but they could also potentially fall under the services of the demons in hell. Picture them as some sort of a grey race. They decide who they ally with.
As far as the race goes, that’s all I have on my mind. Though, considering they’re called ogres, I imagine they’d lean towards the ‘strength’ side.
Additional skills
Last but not least, here are a couple of things regarding (mostly) Kai skills that I’d love to suggest and share with everyone.
- Two different kind of teleportation techniques? This might sound odd, but hear me out: as we all know, Kai Teleport is a skill given to the Supreme Kai by the admins. It allows them to travel to every planet with relative ease. However, could there be room for another, possible self-learned teleportation skill?
This one wouldn’t allow Kai to travel between worlds like Earth, Vegeta and the like, but it’d give them the possibility to travel from the checkpoint to heaven and back and possibly to the Core World should that ever become a thing.
- Give the Supreme Kai and Grand Kai (and maybe checkpoint guardians?) an admin given skill which allows the duo to give souls their bodies back if they prove themselves to be worthy.
This way we wouldn’t have to rely on alignment allowing someone to keep their body (cause sadly that doesn’t say anything half of the time), and in turn the Kai wouldn’t have to fear some superior being who has a good alignment but oddly enough just wants to take over the afterlife.
Giving these ranked Kai this option might make roleplaying in the afterlife more interesting for people. The majority remake straight after death because there is nothing left for them to do. The ones that do stay among the Kai usually don’t get revived.
Giving Kai this ability might add extra flavor to roleplay in the afterlife and it might make people want to stay among the Kai longer. It’d be a reward of some sorts, to those who are actively involved in roleplaying with the Kai. For example: Students of Cardinal Kai could be given their body back by the SPK or GK after a Cardinal Kai’s request. This allows the Cardinal Kai to train their student to their fullest potential.
However, I believe it’s only fair that a body can be revoked by the SPK/GK at any given time if the soul decides to be an idiot and tries to exploit what they’ve been granted.
- Mystifying! Remember those awfully dull sparkles for Mystic? Why don’t we take it a step further and make this a Supreme Kai/Elder Kai ability? It’d be a long process and it’d need some solid roleplay, but it might be interesting to add this somewhere down the line. The Elder/Supreme Kai would unlock an x percentage of a character’s hidden potential and along with that, said character would be given a (sub tier?) transformation, aka Mystic.
That concludes all what I had in mind for the afterlife and a little beyond! This all is just food for thought and they’re merely ideas/suggestions. I’m not sure if (some of) these might be interesting to the player base or to you (Hobbit), but it doesn’t hurt to suggest things, I guess.
Thank you for taking your time to read this!
![]() Feb 5 2019, 11:48 am
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Give body is already a thing, and I came here to speak mostly what Trazz did though less agressively, and yeah all he said is correct. The reason why Kais can't be genderless or live for a terrible amount of time is game balance. Not all Kais end up being special, an Ogre race would be very pointless as Kais already do that function, not to mention Yemma is the only ogre we see in the entire manga, all the rest being anime filler.
And Mystic is, from the precedent set by the last DBG update, a Witch (Alien type) given skill, such as Majin is a Wizard given skill. |
An ogre race is largely unneeded and will only inevitable divide AL playerbase. Which, I realize it might *seem* large right now, but will drop once the hype players leave.
Things like Demon Realm and Core World will, like the above, needlessly divide the AL playerbase further.
And the Hell door is just funny. We've all fallen for it at one point or another. It's a learning experience.
And it's been spoken to death (pun intended) but I'd like to touch on the checkpoint guardian thing. By necessity of online gaming, that's one of those things that's only kept in as largely a ribbon role. Even the most dedicated no-lifer can't be on 24/7 to monitor dead people, and having to sit there doing nothing as a dead person is too boring to inflict on players (even though it would support my belief that most dead people should remake anyways, not even *I'm* that cruel).