Keywords: my_life_etc
A local radio station was having a contest giveaway for tickets to a special early screeening of Rocky Balboa last night at 7 pm. My fiance heard about the contest on her way to work this morning. She told me about it around 6:15 pm.

Long story short, we raced to the theater and flat out asked if we could get in even though we didn't have tickets... AND THEY LET US. Best part: it was completely free.

Good God this movie was great. Anyone who is already a fan should see it on day one, and everyone else will become a fan the moment they see it.

I am a HUGE Rocky fan. In the past couple weeks I've watched all five movies over again for the millionth time to prepare for the release of this movie.

Rocky Balboa was amazing. There were so many different points in this movie where I wanted to stand up and cheer... the whole thing really brings the Rocky series full circle. This movie is everything that 5 should have been and wasn't. Having Adrian pass away was a gutsy move, and it totally paid off. This movie was more than just an homage to the original. It's a great story in its own right, and an incredibly relevant story at that.

Oh- and the fight is excellent! By far the most realistic fight in the entire series.

I'm also a big Star Wars fan, and went to the midnight showings of all three of the prequels. The way that I felt tonight after watching Rocky Balboa last night is the way that I *wish* that I would have felt walking out of those prequels. Stallone has stayed true to his characters and to what Rocky is really about.

If I had to rank the movies: Rocky 1, Rocky Balboa, Rocky 3, Rocky 2, Rocky 4, Rocky 5
Cor. Lucky you. It's not shown until like February here so I might consider downloading it or something.

Mr favourite has to be Rocky 3, anything with Mr. T is worth watching.
I bet you have all the Rocky characters loaded into Wii Sports for boxing.
Cool. I hit the Hitchhikers's Guide To the Galaxy on the early screenings. It was good, but I didn't walk out of there as happy as you did the Rocky Balboa movie.

I might go and see it when it hits the theaters, but I am not a big fan of movies that don't make me laugh. I suppose it is bad to limit myself that way, but I enjoy laughing far more than seeing good acting. I suppose it is just hard to tug on my emotions or something(Which is the key to most good movies).
I might go and see it when it hits the theaters, but I am not a big fan of movies that don't make me laugh.

The *good* Rocky movies are actually really funny, including this one.
I am glad to hear the movie is good. I love the Rocky series, but, to be honest, I was having doubts about Rocky 6. I thought Stylvester Stallone made it to make some quick cash. I am glad to hear it was good though. Makes me happy. Stylvester Stallone is one of my favorite actors.

SilkWizard wrote:
Oh- and the fight is excellent! By far the most realistic fight in the entire series.

Yeah, I was watching the "making of the movie" and they said the reason it was so real is because they were really hitting each other in this fight. Stylvester Stallone even said in some parts they went all out.

Glad to hear the movie was good though, I am definitely going to go see it.
I've heard rumors that a new Rambo is in production.

Sylvester Stallone is 60, and he still keeps it going.
I've heard trailers that a new Rambo is in production.
Rambo!!! "O" "M" "G" I can't wait :)
hey you know uh

the dream comes out in 6 days for me