I'm struggling to create smooth animate effects using the animate proc, and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. If I call animate on an object to move its pixels, and then animate on an object to move its pixels again while it it's still animating, it jumps like the most recently called animate has ended. Is this a limitation of the engine or am I using the proc wrong?
Thank you.
Jan 1 2019, 12:37 am
Jan 1 2019, 2:22 am
In theory, new animations shouldn't cause a running animation to jump to the end unless the ANIMATION_END_NOW flag is used.
It is hard to describe what happens. I will get a video tomorrow of it happening, but below is the code for both the movement effects and the damage effects if they are needed.
/mob/do_movement_effects(var/turf/old_loc,var/turf/new_loc) /datum/damagetype/proc/play_effects(var/atom/attacker,var/atom/victim,var/atom/weapon,var/atom/hit_object) |