Stupid Admins actually blocked Byond...I know! Practically every server has been blocked...

I wonder why they blocked it in the first place. Playing games isn't bad and there's nothing else to block. Messaging...maybe. Yet Hotmail, Yahoo, and G-Mail aren't blocked. Weird, eh?

Anyone got any info to bypass this system?
OK I already now how to get through this and it works for every school computer. Jus type in a ur byond name in goodle and it wil work. so like serach ur byond member key in goolde and the site will opo up and give u acces to byond. It works I do it all the ttime to comments blogs and edit my site lol.
One method that my friend uses is he sets up SSH on an outside PC, then he accesses it from school and uses PortableFox or whatever it's called. Says it works nicely.
The best way around school PC blocks is this. Drop out. Yeah, you heard me. Drop out of school and use your home computer, becuase BYOND is for losers anyway! hahahah21

No, I'm just kidding. I used to be able to look up porn in google.images, until I did it with a teacher right behind me and I didn't know about it.

In case they didn't block the image search, you must turn safe search of to get nudity.
yes a proxy search engine itll cut through ur school proxy aka bess in my cause to be my shcool started blockign proxys .... and gmail,yahoo all thwat stuff is blocked there nothing to do on the computers
The games is blocked but the developer sections and secure i can get to.
Dbgtsuperfreak wrote:
OK I already now how to get through this and it works for every school computer. Jus type in a ur byond name in goodle and it wil work. so like serach ur byond member key in goolde and the site will opo up and give u acces to byond. It works I do it all the ttime to comments blogs and edit my site lol.

holy fuck you suck at typing.
Artemio wrote:
Dbgtsuperfreak wrote:
OK I already now how to get through this and it works for every school computer. Jus type in a ur byond name in goodle and it wil work. so like serach ur byond member key in goolde and the site will opo up and give u acces to byond. It works I do it all the ttime to comments blogs and edit my site lol.

holy fuck you suck at typing.

Holy fuck no one without a stick stuck up their ass cares.
You can access the developer portion of the site by connecting to the secure subserver.

Have fun until your school blocks it! Mine did already. :(
My school uses Barracuda, which seems to already have had Byond blocked for quite some time :'(

Can still look at older stuff through Google's Cache'd pages, though :)