Our first mistake was eating from the tree of knowledge, and our second mistake was eating from the tree of homosexuality:

Did I mention that I hate, hate, hate, HATE neo-conservative religious morons?
Down with conservatism. Vive le socialism.
While a lot of his points are total nonsense, he does raise a good point with the infertility issue.

However, I guess this guy fails to see the fact that the largest nation in the world, China, has been eating soy since reportedly, 11 centuries before the death of Christ.

Now, explain to me why the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese are not yet having the same problem with infertility that the westerners are having...

Estrogen is part of the problem, but Soy is not.
This guy is beyond retard.
Tommq wrote:
Down with conservatism. Vive le socialism.

Ick. Extreme conservatives like this guy aren't much different than socialists. In my eyes, socialism is almost worse.
I just skimmed through the article for the source of such idiocism, and well...let's say I got in trouble for laughing while on the internet on restriction...
I didn't get Soy as a kid, and I'm gay. Wonder where it came from?

He lies.
Apparently, Chuck Norris posts on that site. Therefore, anything coming out of that site is COMPLETE AND INDISPUTABLE FACT.
Foobar Master wrote:
Apparently, Chuck Norris posts on that site. Therefore, anything coming out of that site is COMPLETE AND INDISPUTABLE FACT.

But only if he posts as Walker, Texas Ranger.
Dixon, it's because the soy got in the water!!
wait dixon I thought you were joking when you said you'd bang me

well i'm flattered