It's funny because somebody made it a law.
Stop putting words in my mouth Mickey.
WHo put anything in your mouth? Not like I would. I'm saying you like it cause they are being killed right? Noticed I use a '?' mark.
Mcarthur wrote:
WHo put anything in your mouth? Not like I would. I'm saying you like it cause they are being killed right? Noticed I use a '?' mark.

It's funny because somebody made it a law.
Stop putting words in my mouth Mickey.

I never said, 'cause people are being killed'.
That is called, putting words in my mouth.

Reason why it's funny?
It's funny because somebody made it a law.

Do I need to spell it out for you?
You can't comprehend. I'm asking if you like Indians being killed. Since you never responded I'll take that as a yes.
I told you exactly why I liked it (it's funny), and exactly why I found it funny, multiple times.
Since you seem to be so bent on that single issue because you have no more material to work with, I'll take that as a win for myself.

Score one for Keeth.
You never said why it was funny.

Score two for Mcarthur.

Why would Indians being killed still be funny? Unless you think all races are inferior? Is that true? I don't care what you say. You're proven racist. *doesn't come back to this post*
Mcarthur wrote:
You never said why it was funny.

Score two for Mcarthur.

Why would Indians being killed still be funny? Unless you think all races are inferior? Is that true?

---> I don't care what you say. You're proven racist. *doesn't come back to this post* <--- added after I made this post.

I'll just put it in lamen's terms since you can't seem to understand, 'it's funny because somebody made it a law'.

It is funny, because at some point, someone said, 'hey, I think that if you should happen to see 3 indians walking down the street, you should be able to shoot them dead', and then they had to bring that petition to a large group of government employed people, and those people had to agree to make it into a law.

Please understand.
Merciless Warrior wrote:

Yes, I have a knack for turning any conversation into a racial dispute.
Final point goes to Keeth.
Wohoo, I won another.
For those of you who are unaware, I thrive off of winning internet disputes, cause I'm so low on the food chain.
Mcarthur wrote:
Took you a while to make that.

*scrolls down and doesn't see it.*

good job on deleting it

too bad keeth quoted it after

Mcarthur fails.
okay shut up guys, i dont need a war between 2 medeocre people.

Time to clear up some issues!

1] Saying nigger doesnt make you a racist

2] The racist ducks are funny

3] These are real laws, even if they are un enforcable

4] The whole indian group of 3 thing is from the days of the Indian Removal Act and the days of President Jackson

5] Just because something is fucked up and probably slightly racist, doesnt mean you are banned from laughing. take this for example --->
Afghanimal519 wrote:
okay shut up guys, i dont need a war between 2 medeocre people.

Heehee, 2 medeocre people.
'Takes one to know one' might be old, but it works quite well.

I don't remember Afghan doing anything that made him any better than anyone else.
okay shut up guys, i dont need a war between 2 medeocre people.

Mediocre like your spelling? : I

"Learn to spell"

The last desperate insult of a guy who can think of nothing else in an arguement online.
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