The port is going very well, the game is getting very close to being ported. The idea is to port the whole game minus a few non-essential systems (auctions, housing, and a couple others) and only the level 1-100 leveling content, then as people are leveling work on the level 100 bosses and then finally the last unported systems.
Here are a few gifs of the latest ported features in action.

You can try the current build of the game (in single-player mode) at
If you have some spare cash to throw my way you can support Iccusion projects by contributing to the Patreon at This money will help me be able to work on my game creation service (Vylocity) and my games (currently Teridal). Any amount helps!
If you would like to watch me work on Vylocity and Teridal live, you can follow Iccusion's Twitch at
And last but not least! Be sure to join the Discord It is for both Vylocity and Iccusion games and is very active. You can get up to the second updates on the project or just hang out.