proc name: New Character (/mob/proc/New_Character)
usr: (src)
src: Styling (/mob/player)
src.loc: null
call stack:
Styling (/mob/player): New Character()
Styling (/mob/player): Choose Login()
Styling (/mob/player): Login()
runtime error: bad client
proc name: Grid (/mob/proc/Grid)
usr: (src)
src: PLAYERKEY (/mob/player)
src.loc: null
call stack:
PLAYERKEY (/mob/player): Grid("CreationHumanM", null, null)
PLAYERKEY (/mob/player): Skin()
PLAYERKEY (/mob/player): New Character()
PLAYERKEY (/mob/player): Choose Login()
PLAYERKEY (/mob/player): Login()
2018-08-18T17:57:27 | World Save Start 17:57.27
2018-08-18T17:57:55 | World Save Success 17:57.55
Problem description:
Above is my error log, during the process my games FPS seemed to drop to 1-2 and the game was made unplayable.
This hasn't been frequent, yet, but I want to try and catch it before it becomes a problem.
Any ideas or tips on how to create a null check, and if null check is met then to delete player save and boot from server?
If your game is freezing, I'd suspect some loop going out of control.