I won the SilkGames Acheron's Awakening beta tester drawing. Thanks Silk! Normally I'd be surprised by that but yesterday was meant to be a horrible day, and when DarkView encounters a horrible day one thing happens, the universe turns it around and awesome things happen. I swear the universe has a school girl crush on me. It sits around writing my name on it's books and imagining it's my girlfriend.

You see, yesterday I was meant to get completely chewed out and possibly fired for being behind in my school work. I can not stress enough just how boned I was. Yet somehow instead of that happening I got to see a cool movie for free, I got a free lunch, a pay cheque, setup my new ADSL account, a sweet shirt arrived that I'd forgotten I ordered, I got my GameCube back, my Wii (that someone else is paying for) is on it's way, I ended the day in bed with an incredibly hot woman and to top it all off I've now got plenty of time to catch up on my school work.

It sounds crazy but that happens to me a lot (well, a lot more than everyone else). I still have random bad days but when ever I'm in a situation where I'm stressed out over impending doom things turn out awesome. The universe constantly rewards me for being slack, and life is good.

[I wrote the above post yesterday and forgot to post it, but today some sweet stuff happened that I might as well add.

I was catching the train into work, and just as I got off at my station I realised my wallet was no longer in my pocket. So I jumped back on and checked where I'd been sitting, it wasn't there. By that point the train had left the station.
I get to the next station and realise it must be on my original train, so I go over to the other platform where my original train has just pulled up (it loops around and comes back in the opposite direction). I walk on, go to where I was sitting and my wallet is sitting there on the seat.
I made a comment to the girl who had been sitting across from that seat, and now I have her phone number.]
I'm a firm believer that expecting good things sets you up for success.

Hopefull you'll enjoy AA... although it definitely can't hold a candle to the Wii!

Wii > All.

AA > lemme think..hmm..if it was real it would be "AA > All BYOND."
Who's this guy?
All hail Darkview

If only all my bad days ended up with me having all that plus a hot lady in the sack.

Sadly my bad days usually used to end with Alcohol, Now they end with WoW, so i can chillax and vent my rage on the alliance hehe
horde noob
horde pwns alliance the way kirk pwns piccard.

deal with it