Individual developer: Tenji067
Estado del juego: Desarrollo casi completo - Gameplay jugable
Persona en desarrollo: Tenji067
Update 22/07/2018
// - Discord:
Rediseño del juego.
Redising of the game.
Update: 03 / may / 2015

- PatallasoJuegoDBAGDSWD3_zpsltvdj3xb.png
- PantallasoJuegoDBAGDSWD1_zpsmrtavq7a.png
Images taken directly from the game.
Actualización: 03 / may / 2015
- PantallasoJuegoDBAGDSWD2_zpsn3bzaa5c.png
- PatallasoJuegoDBAGDSWD3_zpsltvdj3xb.png
- PantallasoJuegoDBAGDSWD1_zpsmrtavq7a.png
Imágenes Tomadas directamente del juego.
Este juego les proporcionara una nueva aventura a la altura de Dragon Ball, podran escoger entre las razas mas distinguidas y entrenar para convertirse en el Guerrero Dragon Defnitivo.
Chat oficial:
Visiten nuestro foro para conocer las noticias mas recientes de el desarrollo del juego y demas.
1. Se ha añadido una pagina de promoción para aquellas personas interesadas en el juego y quieran conocer mas de el.
2. Si deseas conocer mas informacion acerca del juego, o tienes problemas en visualizar la pagina mostrada anteriormente por favor dirigete a el foro del juego.
Nivel de construcción 100%+
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
This game will provide a new adventure at the height of Dragon Ball, may choose among the most distinguished breed and train to become the Dragon Warrior Definitive.
Official chat:
Level of build: 100%+
1. Added a page for those interested in the game and want to know more about him.
2.If you would like more information about the game, or you have trouble viewing the page shown above please go to the game's forum.
___________________________________________ ________________________________________
<center>Game anounces:</center>
4/10/2019: Experience X2 event added.
6/10/2019: Bug and glicth fixes, rabbit hunt added, little interface improvement.
10/10/2019: Experience X2 event ended.
12/10/2019: A new game improvement it is teting, please try to probe the game know ir orden to have a feedback abaout this new system.
<center>Important Advise</center>
Finally it was possible, after waiting for an answer a new solution was discovered that will allow the game to be online 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
In the next few days we will be testing the performance of this server, so feel free to finally play the first version of the Dragon Ball AGD-SWD game!
We want to create a small and pleasant community with which to play in our moments of leisure and fun, so we invite you to join the discord in the following link, where we will try to interact with him with the game:
If you want to know more about the latest updates of the game, we invite you to go to the following link:
<s>Probbably tomorrow.</s>
The internet provider has made a technical error, so they have delayed the configuration that makes it possible to put the game online, they have promised to resolve it as soon as possible in the next few days.
Sorry for the delays, I understand that it can be annoying to be listening several times that the game will be online and on previous occasions something happened, this is as annoying for you as it is for me, however I am sure that as soon as the Internet provider of a solution will be committed by this means and by discord.
After a lot of setbacks, calls and diligences, if all go ok, the next Friday or Saturday the game ar goinn to be online constantly, almost 24/7.
Mainwhile it have been have a lto of improvements and updates which will be showed more detailed the day when the game be online, for the moment, els advance the news that there will be an event where all the characters are going to receive 3 times more experience the first 24 hours after the game is online.
Until that moment, be sure that, all the news will be announced through this page, and also special events will be announced at the same time in the discord of the game.
Nothing for more now, good bye and good luck.
Important news soon, stay tuned.
A small vacation is always necessary, not everything can be work, life or study!
For this reason, the attempt will be made to put the game online during a few hours on Saturday, April 13 and/or possibly on Sunday, 14.
14/04/2019: Game online / Juego en linea
<center>Latest news regarding the current state of the game</center>
It's a shame, but was not possible change the internet company provider on december, however we keep trying to found another company which let become this issues in a bad memory. Trust on us, meanwhile the world in game is growing new bit a bit!
<s>We are testing a solution to this issue, feel free to probe the game in the moments when it is online</s>
Unffortunately, the problems with the internet company provider persist. We apologize for the false expectations caused.
I will work constantly to improve the game in order to have a better game in the moment when these issues can be solved finally.
<s>23/03/2.019: Probably on december, will be possible change the internet company provider, so I expect that on this mouth the game be online. Thanks for the waiting and keep an eye to the next news on this page. Also, in the next weeks the discord will be update in order to check the last updates of the game in a easiest way.</s>
Game Status: Official game opening - Constantly updating
Estado del juego: Apertura oficial del juego - Actualizando constantemente</center>
Last Updates: 23/03/2019
- New images, regarding some new characteristics implemented on the game.
Older Updates:
Ultimas actualizaciones: 23/03/2019
- Nuevas imagenes, mostrando algunas caracteristicas implementadas en el juego.
Actualizaciones pasadas:
<H3>More about AGD</H3>This game will provide a new adventure at the height of Dragon Ball, may choose among the most distinguished breed and train to become the Dragon Warrior Definitive.
1.If you would like more information about the game, or you have trouble viewing the page shown above please go to the game's forum or discord.
Actually: Construction level 100%, fixing minor bugs, the game is totally playable and the all the characters are saved to be used in the future.
<H3>Mas acerca de AGD</H3>Este juego les proporcionara una nueva aventura a la altura de Dragon Ball, podrán escoger entre las razas mas distinguidas y entrenar para convertirse en el Guerrero Dragon Definitivo.
1. Si deseas conocer mas información acerca del juego, o tienes problemas en visualizar la pagina mostrada anteriormente por favor dirígete a el foro del juego o al discord oficial.
Actualmente: Nivel de construcción 100%, corrigiendo errores menores, el juego es totalmente jugable y todas las partidas podrán ser usadas en el futuro.
Game redisigned ---------------------------------------------- Juego rediseñado
Older Images:
Update: 03 / may / 2015
Images taken directly from the game.
Imágenes Tomadas directamente del juego.
<center>We are updating this page, if you have more questions please visit the FAQs section:</center>