I just got mine, on the first day of the Australian release. It's just updating the firmware now - it would likely be faster, but my TV is on the other side of the house to my wireless router, which sort of degrades the signal strength a little. I'll probably look into fixing that at some point - likely when Brawl (Or some other awesome, over-the-internets Wii game) gets released.
I haven't even played anything yet and it's cool. Even the packaging is cool.
...Yeah, I'm fairly pathetic sometimes. <_< >_>
Next stop - Wii Sports. And then? Twilight Princess.</_>
Dec 6 2006, 2:30 pm
Stop freakin' posting and start playing
It's taking me about an hour - but I have fairly slow internets, and, as mentioned, my wireless connection is crappy where the Wii is currently.
Does it have to be wireless? Only I don't have a wireless router in this house. =/
You can buy an adapter that lets you use standard ethernet, but the firmware thing is really only for SD card support.