In response to AlcaroIsAFrick
AlcaroIsAFrick wrote:
some byond games look beautiful, and they didn't even need to make 30000 lines of code just for a shitty atmospherics system that lags with a single explosion.

doesn't take a rocket scientist to achieve this much optimization.

the engine is not shitty, and it won't be open sourced as far I know, byond has it's limitations, but it's easy to get around them, and optimization is extremely easy to do, yet not done. because MUH 20 FPS AND 100 WHILE LOOPS AND THE BAD CHECK_TICK WHICH WORKS INCORRECTLY AND ISNT EVEN USED

god damn i could honestly write a damn paragraph about this but i'm not doing it

go ahead, we're all waiting with baited breath
In response to AlcaroIsAFrick
AlcaroIsAFrick wrote:
shut the fuck up ss13 is a badly optimized game i've disabled atmospherics once with the help of coding and CPU usage went from %85 to %20 exactly your coders are the one who need to optimize ss13, not byond.


A subsystem that was designed from the ground up to auto scale it's processing rate to take up all free cpu while not actually taking up cpu time needed for other things stopped taking up all of the cpu time it was designed to consume when i disabled it.

You haven't made a point. Please come back when you make a point.


AlcaroIsAFrick wrote:

check_tick is designed to keep all procs that use it from contributing to the world cpu usage going over 85%, it works correctly and is being used if world.cpu stays at or below 85%

AlcaroIsAFrick wrote:
and CPU usage went from %85


I'd say it is both used, and works correctly.
At the risk of making Thursday evening releases a trend, Within BYOND #94 is being delayed, now set to be released on Thursday, July 12th. Sorry for the inconvenience!
In response to Higoten
Higoten wrote:
At the risk of making Thursday evening releases a trend, Within BYOND #94 is being delayed, now set to be released on Thursday, July 12th. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Show me the goods!
In response to Orange55
Orange55 wrote:
Show me the goods!

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