I hope you are all well.
First of all, thank you for those who have supported the almost-never-ending development of The River Country. Myself and another individual have worked tirelessly on bringing the project to it's full potential but constraints in life and those who we contract have resulted in multiple lapses in development. As a result, elements such as Character Creation, Farming and a fluid, automated Economy System have largely been left half developed. This has slowed the release of The River Country and ultimately led to it passing my eye.

Character Development Ideas
However, I do still wish to create a unique roleplaying environment for keen writers and enthusiast of worlds with Naruto influence. As a result, I am considering re-branding and re-writing The River Country to fit to a more developed period, such as just before the First Shinobi War, and presenting the bare-bones of The River Country. Bare-bones being the game without automated system and more of a focus on writing and building story. Note that this is a consideration for now but I am very keen on pursuing this line.

So, for now I am seeking any enthusiast and writers who would like to engage in the planning of a reboot/re-branding. I'm particularly seeking story-makers who desire to make a new world. If you are interested or simply want to talk, please find me at: https://discord.gg/aSEFGW
As said, I would love to get this back up again, even if it's just a bare-bones role-play setting that is slowly updated and evolved.