The 65,535th turf, that is the turf with ref "[0x100ffff]", has null vis_contents. This was discovered with turf (1, 3, 2) in a 255x255x3 world, but manifests on any other map size which has more than 65,535 turfs.
Other bugginess manifests on this turf, such as some right-click verbs but not others not triggering when activated in the context menu, but null vis_contents is the most obvious.
Attempting to manipulate the vis_contents of this turf in any way throws a "special list may not be cut" runtime.
Note that "[0x101ffff]" is NOT bugged. Only this exact turf is bugged.
Working verbs:
/client/proc/callproc_datum(datum/A as null|area|mob|obj|turf)
/mob/verb/examinate(atom/A as mob|obj|turf in view())
/mob/verb/pointed(atom/A as mob|obj|turf in view())
Broken verbs:
/client/proc/cmd_admin_delete(atom/A as obj|mob|turf in world)
/client/proc/jumptoturf(turf/T in world)
/client/proc/debug_variables(datum/D in world)
Probably "in world" is the problem.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
maxx = 255
maxy = 255
maxz = 3
var/turf/T = locate("\[0x100ffff\]")
src << "\ref[T] ([T.x],[T.y],[T.z]) bugged=[isnull(T.vis_contents)]"
Expected Results:
[0x100ffff] (1, 3, 2) bugged=0
Actual Results:
[0x100ffff] (1, 3, 2) bugged=1
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? Yes, exhibited in a test project.
In other user accounts? Unknown.
On other computers? Unknown.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
Not tested in any earlier versions, but the nature of the bug makes me suspect it is very old. I'm counting this as a beta bug because the test case requires beta.
None known.