Give it to me so I can give it to you because I totally lost that bet :[
well if you don't want it, I WILL TAKE IT

49 days left on mine
This is funny, I'm just here to say hey to acebloke, and maybe ill host wargames if your main server crashes ever again
Uhhh...I guess I wouldn't mind having one, since we're supposed to eventually start working on something?

If not I'm not really bothered.
Screw giving me it. Give it to Dopple Boppler. He's a pimp~
Give it to Zaole.
GoodDoggyTreat would make great use of a membership.
I demand you give this to me at once. :p
There's a few good names here, I'll mull it over and get back to you sometime today or tomorrow.
Is it me? is it me?? :D
I could use an extension, plz and ty, and i would be willing to work for it, even though i am a medeocre icon artist.
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