BYOND Version:512.1425
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 66.0.3359.181
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
When running our isometric project in the web client, it looks like some atom/movables aren't rendering properly. They either appear for a moment or two and flash away, or don't render at all. There isn't any indicator on what or why this is happening, and it is seemingly random on when an atom/movable actually appears.

We seem to get this OpenGL error a ton in the console.

[.Offscreen-For-WebGL-000001922B4E9460]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering.


[.Offscreen-For-WebGL-000001922B4E9460]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION : glDrawElements: framebuffer incomplete