Bitwise operations now work with 24 bits instead of 16.
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (512.1427)

This issue has been resolved.
Currently, bitwise operations return 0 when working with values above 65535 (equivalent to having the first 16 bits set to 1).

Integer precision for single-precision floats stops after 2**24 (16777216), therefore bitwise operations could be allowed until 16777215 (equivalent to having 24 bits set to 1)

This would give us 8 more flags to play with in variables treated as bitfields.
I'll add this to the List. It's way overdue. I used to be a lot more concerned about legacy code having an issue with this, but frankly I think that's highly unlikely.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Bitwise operations now work with 24 bits instead of 16.