Descriptive Problem Summary:
The server suddenly faulted and crashed at around 1:45:00 of Dream Daemon running. Neither /world/Reboot nor /world/Del were triggered- We're not sure if there's any consistent way to reproduce it. It's only happened on our prod server, not any local tests.
Faulting application name: dreamdaemon.exe, version: 5.0.512.1425, time stamp: 0x5b086add
Faulting module name: byondcore.dll, version: 5.0.512.1425, time stamp: 0x5b086a6a
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0010e314
Faulting process id: 0xe80
Faulting application start time: 0x01d3fb619574457b
Faulting application path: c:\Program Files (x86)\BYOND\bin\dreamdaemon.exe
Faulting module path: c:\Program Files (x86)\BYOND\bin\byondcore.dll
Report Id: 5c3011a3-6442-415a-bc6f-863c07ccedb4
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
It doesn't occur in 511 at all.
Jun 3 2018, 2:11 pm
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Jun 3 2018, 2:28 pm
Definitely update to 1426, 1425 had some goofy issues and crashes.
Yeah, we'll try that for sure, but this crash was unreported thusfar, so dunno if it got fixed by proxy in the update or not.
As near as I can tell, this happened in a savefile operation but it's not at all clear why. An uncaught out-of-memory case is the most likely explanation.
paradise runs at a rather low memory usage compared to most, they were at less then a gig of usage at the time of the crash from the memory stats we had gone over before i advised them to submit this bug report.