As some of you know, we will stop selling Lifetime Subscriptions this weekend; its a way to thank everyone who helped the game development so far, letting only their accounts to become rare some day; again, would like to thank our over 80 lifetime subscribers! this game wouldn't exist without you!
However the game is facing alot of changes and improvements; and every day getting nearer to our main goal, that is to have the game officialy released in steam;
And since alot of you know, I have been working in Azusa alone with casual helps from donations and our subscriptions for over 5 years, and you might imagine how hard and struggling it is to keep such a project going out of pure love and dedication;
But now we are about to face some stages that my effort alone won't be enough, since I need to make and design a decent marketing campaign before and after releasing the game, I am trying to save money and accepting every kind of helps toward that.
For this reason, Azusa is starting a Patreon to try to help the funding on the game's marketing campaigns and to give the project some stability; so to help to advertise our new Patreon, I decided to host a Lifetime Lottery! that will also give a chance for the players and fans who always helped the game, but couldn't buy a lifetime to have a chance to grab one;
To participate the Lifetime Lottery is simple, follow these steps:
*Comment this Topic using your byond Key, saying "Im in!"
*Share this topic link ( http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=2371348 ) in your BYOND Pager FEED, inviting people to join our contest and to check out the news!
*Follow Azusa's BYOND HuB (as fan)!
Two lifetimes will be sorted, one here for the byond community, and other will be sorted in Azusa's facebook page, with other rules and perks; however the Facebook lotery will start once this one finishes.
*Only one application per key
*Don't post just the link in your feed, keep in mind you must actually write some text such as "Azusa is making a Lotery campaign!" or w/e;
*Who already have lifetime subscription can participate, and if you win, you can give it as a gift, or get it into another alt. (only for the ones that are already lifetime subscribers!)
*You can participate with multiple keys, as long as you do every steps in every key.
*Please talk with your friends about our Patreon campaign!
*The winner will be decided through a webdice; I will randomize a number between 1-amount of applies; and the comment made in the order related to the given number AND have followed every rules and steps will be the winner; the dice randomnization will be recorded in a gift and posted here; I will also pager the winner;
*Who have active subscriptions or lifetime, will be able to play the game normally when its released at steam (without needing to buy it there) and, will have perks the normal players won't.
*The lifetime subscription will stop being sold day 27, but their perks will continue in that key as long as the game exists.

Time to talk about our patreon campaign now, I have distributed the patron rewards trying to make it cheaper to everyone and to motivate everyone to help Azusa in this new phase; Read more about the rewards in our page!
The game will open a playable server for patrons and subscribers as a test period before the steam release, the server will be global in english roleplay; during this period we will test our new admining methods, and try to locate and fix every bug the game have;
Also to do some final adjustments in the roleplaying methods to fit the steam playerbase, trying to make it easy to learn and fun to play;
This test phase will start someday between next week or the first week of next month; so keep up with the discord channel (or follow the game's hub) to know whenever we are ready to play!
Azusa v.1.0.6
comes with mostly extra contents of the previous update
so I will try to be really quick pointing out our progression toward the last weeks;
*New Architecture Styles for Deep Forest region and Desert:

*Remaking the game's interface:
Cleaning the interface been a complicated task, so I came up with a design that keeps the game familiar to our old players, and more intuitive to the new playerbase, removing alot of useless information and showing some important key games features instead;

*Two New Armors, thanks to Yeppes, Zeronimo, Twilight12 and Evil_masterpain!
Cheetah Armor, Fire element, have a speed based dash when it hits a target, it surrounds the enemy with fire fields;
Phobia Armor Earth element Reaper armor, if you KO someone using its skill, this person will be turned into a Stone Statue, and his real conscience will be stuck in the dream world; The skill gets stronger depending on the amount of statues in the world. If someone breaks the statue while the player is online, the player is released; the statue is grabable.

*A common round of bugfixes and review of initial content to the default official servers;
Final notes:
Thanks everyone who supported the game untill now, and goodluck to everyone participating the lottery! And really appreciate every new helps since the game's steam release success totally depend on them!
Also hope to see all of you in the test periods!
Join our Discord Channel:
Help us by becoming a Patron:
Like our facebook page to know where the second lottery will happen!:
Lottery Result!

This was sorted through a discord dice, and the result was based off the order of comments; so congratulations Sandreve!
Everyone else keep your eyes in the hub and facebook page that we will announce the second lottery to give away the other lifetime subscriptions!
Dont give up your hopes and good luck in the next one!