Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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It would be cool to have a theme that isn't bright. I spend a good amount of my day looking at Icons / Sprites there in DM and man the light really gets to me on most days.

Thank you for reading :D.
Dream Maker actually allows for custom colors in the code IDE, you can go to `Options > Code Preferences` and set your own colors. It may help you somewhat when dealing with code.

However, these only work for the code editor itself, not the icon editor or any other UI elements.

It'd be great if it worked for those as well. You can also use custom windows themes.
Google is your friendo
Extremely rude to bring up a solution and then go "pff figure it out dweeb".
Wanted to bump this, since a friend and I were recently talking about the code theme I have for my Dream Maker setup and we were having difficulties finding a way to change the colors for the rest of the UI for the IDE.
This is still something I want to add, and I worked on it a little bit more a while back. The biggest problem is that it's extremely difficult with the way Windows structures its interface. It's a work in progress.