- Changed shikaiclass of Gin and Byakuya to Power for the melee / reiatsu boost.
- Guildhouse raid experience reversed. 3 million and 10 SP for a defend, 1.5 million and 5 SP for an attack.
- GH raid messages are now color coded to the faction they reside in.
- Hougyoku Snatched message changed to be more visible, and to reflect the side that is stealing it.
- World Purity message adjusted to be readable and less spammy.
- Update Log now shows upon login.
- Arena messages edited.
- Ishida challenge message edited.
- Tech guide updated for Zommari.
- Zanshun mastery chances increased.
- GH invasion messages made bigger.
- Hinamori, Ukitake, Rukia, Jiroubou, Mayuri, Renji, Yumichika, Urahara, and Toushiro all had their boosts adjusted properly and should be stronger now.
![]() Apr 30 2018, 6:10 pm