Is it possible to apply the mouse_opacity var to an image?
Just need a way for an image to be ignored by the mouse.
Apr 14 2018, 11:20 am
You have to attach the image to another object with mouse_opacity = 0 (or as an overlay to that object). You should be able to use visual_loc to basically treat this object like an image though.
At that point, why not just add a mouse_opacity 0 non-image object to vis_contents?
I've been messing about with fog of war, but couldn't think of an effective way to have a map covered by fog. I tried creating an image attached to each turf, but that stopped me being able to click anything in that turf.
I wanted to try some plane stuff, but I'm not all that familiar with that either and couldn't really figure out a means to replicate the same effect. With that said, would you say vis_contents in the way to go, or is there perhaps a better way? Any help is greatly appreciated. |