Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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I use the above code to do this quickly, it's easier than navigating the object tree with "Show all nodes". It would be nice to have a shortcut like Alt + G that find or go to the proc definition.

Extra that would help a lot: autocomplete when typing in the search input
+1 Oh my god I have to deal with this so often, it's a nightmare.
In response to Ter13
This is something different.
In response to YURIRAMOS
This is something different.

And unnecessary, bloated, and inconvenient if the code tree actually worked in a sensible way.
Not really. Having a pure keyboard way to search the objectree would be a huge benefit.

The number one trick for effective computer use is to minimize the number of times you have to switch between the keyboard and mouse.
I'll grant you that.
Being able to type in the name, maybe with some kind of autocomplete or at least a list of matches, would be helpful indeed. I'm gonna keep this tab close by so I can consider it.