This is an issue that's hard to describe with words. As such, I've made a video of this issue in action here:
As seen in the video, when a turf is rendering a turf with vis_contents via vis_contents, moving the mob into the vision of the turf that was previously rendered via vis_contents will result in that turf suddenly failing to render it's own vis_contents. This issue occurs consistently, and makes implementing proper multi z-level rendering more of a chore than necessary.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
. = ..()
vis_contents += locate(x,y,z-1)
color = "#666666"
var/turf/T = locate(x, y, z+1)
if(istype(T) && !T.density)
world << "You moved up"
var/turf/T = locate(x, y, z-1)
if(istype(T) && !T.density)
world << "You moved down"
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
This issue seems to occur in every version of 512 I've tried.
Here's the workaround I've been able to implement for this issue. It comes at the cost of moving down z-levels not being as seamless as moving up z-levels
var/turf/T = locate(x, y, z-1)
if(istype(T) && !T.density)
world << "You moved down"
sight |= BLIND
client.eye = locate(T.x, T.y, max(T.z-1,1))
sight &= ~BLIND
client.eye = src
I apologize in advance if I accidentally posted this more than once. I've been getting an "unable to save to database" error every time I tried to post this, so I've been making some adjustments to various bits of the post in an attempt to get this to actually post
One thing I should explain about how vis_contents works is that it should never allow you to enter into an infinite loop. That is, whenever an object's vis_contents are being converted into icons for display, the object is temporarily marked as off-limits for recursing into vis_contents again. So if A contains B, B contains C, and C contains A, you'll get A, B, then C, you will get a second icon of A but you won't get a second B because A is still processing.