Most of the time that was because there was 0 interest in the project to begin with. I mean really, do you want to work on someone else's Generic DBZ Clone #4000? I thought not.
Coming from opinion and experience, I've seen people work very passionately on something, something that isn't there's, that they have no legal right to. Which is usually where some of the trouble arises in my example. They feel attached to a project and proud and will defend it fiercely even when in the wrong. I doubt Byond needs or wants that sort of drama from being open source. Call it unnecessary paranoia or worry if you will, that's fine. I've just got a strong feeling about opensource being a bad idea in the current community climate.
Yeah, some people act like children, but the children are exceedingly easy to disregard. They only cause drama when other children allow them to.
You're also making a lot of flawed assumptions. Here are some:
Fair enough, and fair points. But I don't feel as though I assumed anything. Was just giving an opinion, based on my own experiences within the engine.
I'm obviously not well versed or up to date on the technicalities for or against opensource, but I'd definitely like to see Lum's take on things. To my limited knowledge, I don't think he's ever addressed the issue personally. |
These ideas are very bad and backwards. Regressive ideas like this are why BYOND can't grow. This is an out of touch echo chamber that doesn't know what the real players of byond want.
People want to play what they want to play, not what you want them to play. It is not a game engine's place to tell you what you can make or play. | <-- Just one example of so many problems on BYOND that an overwhelming amount of the players get annoyed by.
Tens of DU wrote:
Just one example of so many problems on BYOND that an overwhelming amount of the players get annoyed by. So much wrong about this. There is no reason to think that this is even approximately a random sample of BYOND users, given that it's only nine hours old and does not seem to have been posted anywhere else on BYOND (as far as I can tell). Most likely, this is non-representative and simply opinions of the playerbase of your game about how the game should be. As such, there's very good reason to think that it would be biased. Also, if we assume that there are 200 users of your game, that ends up representing a 14% margin of error, which is pretty bad. That means that in reality, your poll could only mean that only 3 in 4 agree with a change, or that every user agrees to the change. This is an out of touch echo chamber that doesn't know what the real players of byond want. It's funny how when you post, it seems like you're always apparently talking for the REAL BYONDers, and also interesting how apparently those interests always align with your own. It is not a game engine's place to tell you what you can make or play.
To be fair, BYOND doesn't tell you what you can make or play. It just decided to list things on its website, that has nothing to do with the ability to make or join games.
You don't have to use the Hub. |
I agree. But the webplayer does not work with my game and Standalone is not for fangames, so without a hub there is nowhere else to go. My interest in DragonBall is pretty much gone and I want to repurpose the source into a "generic anime-style game" so it can have original lore & ideas in it instead of being trapped as DragonBall. But that's another story.
Might just be stemming from a sense of worry, but I have seen open source projects in the past, especially in this community, adopt a singular programmer, who in most cases, has scared away the "competition", and managed to claim the credit and rewards for themselves.
Just feels like a bad idea at the moment. Might end up with DragonByondZeta, Byond las noches, or Bynaruto.