Attempting to read a datum var from a list returns null rather than runtime.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Push button, receive facepalm
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/blah123 = 4
var/datum/listvartest/test = list()
world << "[test.blah123](\ref[test.blah123])"
world << "Oh what the fuck"
Expected Results:
Runtime error: Could not read /list/blah123
Actual Results:
Oh what the fuck
Technically it would be invalid behavior to have a list in a var typed as a datum, but it's the kind of invalid behavior that should be runtiming.
This is very likely a minor overlook with the operator chaining with list accesses, hopefully it's not hard to make that behavior only apply when actually accessing a list item, and not the list itselfs.