![Soul Society](https://i.imgur.com/vQ3pJUK.png)
Login Stuff & Sounds
- New login screen has been added (Credits to one of our players, Gil, for the amazing artwork.)
- Login music has been added.
- Bankai has a ritual sound when activating (Experimental).
Mini Health/Rei Bar
- Added a mini HP/Reir bar whenever your character moves that shows and hide every second. When idling, the bar will not appear.
Gin Bankai Techs
Gin Techniques are now based on strength. Bankai now applies a poison lasting 45s.
Note: Bankai poison will only do 1 damage, if the enemy player or NPC, is higher level than you. Korose's damage is not affected.
Tech 1 (Buto)
-Fires a 1-tile projectile infront of the user that applies a unique poison that inflicts dps (damage per second) and pierce through.
Special Effect: If you hit a poisoned target with Buto, you will activate "Kamishinoyari, Korose"
Korose - Deal bonus on-hit damage based on strength and dispells the remaining poison.
Tech 2 (Buto Renjin)
- Unmastered, you fire a one tile attack that hits 3 consecutive times and applies poison.
- Mastered, you fire a 3 tile attack that hits 3 consecutive times per each tile and applies poison.
Special Effect: None, it does not activate Korose.
Hidden Shop is Back
Although, no longer hidden. Orbs are back. Relocated the Hidden NPC beside Mask Vendor on Earth
-Restat Orb cost 10,000 Kill Points
-Reskill Orb cost 10,000 Kill Points
-Rebirth Orb cost 40,000 Kill Points
Rebirth Orb
-Shinigami will be able to pick zanpakuto and obtain non-squad kidos.
-Arrancars will be able to pick and gain hollow moves.
-Quincy, after using the orb, you will be ported to the quincy elder and talk to him for Quincy race.
-Inoue,Sado and Weaponists, after using the orb, you will wait for a second for the pop-up where you can select these races.
-Visored, go the normal route of a Shinigami Representative from the guide.
New Maps and Mob Npcs in Hueco Mundo
The maps are connected within the menos pit.
Menos Forest
-Fukton of Menos can be found here.
Deep End Hueco Mundo
-Adjuuca and Vasto mobs will be found here.
Remade Team/Party EXP Codes
-All team members will no longer split mob experience.
-Killers will now gain full experience of the mob they defeat.
-Experience will be shared among all other team members by a flat 50% experience from the mob killer.
-Experience is also shared when doing past battles and delivery challenges.
Bugs & Fixes
-Sennen Hyoro
-Ichinose Bankai tech 1 added
-Inoue Shun shun rikka can now be renamed with Sword Calls from the drop down menus.
-Movement Delays on decimals found to be wrong info, all the bullshit I posted about delays won't make a difference
therefore, 0s Hougyoku Speed, 1s for all releases, 2s as normal movement and anything higher than 2 is a slow effect.
Timed the movement a shitton on a stop watch, it's very difficult to judge if decimals did anything. Visually, movements
seems to be rounded up or down on decimals. Also, CTF flag holder 3s delay.
-Vitals tab has been updated again.
-Removed Garganta & Hell Butterfly Restrictions.
-Cero icon
Balance Changes
- Quincy arrow & seele melee damage has been tuned down.
- I'll be looking to adjust the damage ratios up. Weak classes will eventually be brought up to par with updats.
- Hidden Shop NPC relocated, I dislike the idea of old BLN players holding a leverage among the new players with this shop.
- Technique Guide is now finished and implemented.
Pending Updates & Experimental Phase
- Mastery Changes, increase chance of mastery.
- FFA PvP Room
- Sword Reworks
- Experimental Changes for projectile