I know I was rushing lol

Here is a cleaner version of your code I forgot to re-add the font color tag. but it goes after the first and only body tag.
anything to the right of alot of ///// is a comment, not code. Hope this helps make html less annoying for you.
Tt wasn't annoying me >_> But I need a little help on something. like home page then like forums then a back link.. but i can figure it out
You can't just say "home page, forums, back link" and expect everyone to know exactly what you want. You need to elaborate on what style of forums you want, if you want it pre-made like PHPBB or SMF. If you want a pre-made forum you'll have to get it yourself obviously. I don't think there's a forum that's been made entirely with HTML, but it would be a lot easier to make one with PHP, however that's beyond the level of someone just beginning to learn.
From what I can tell that HTML file is your home page, and I don't see the point of a "back link" seeing as pretty much all browsers have a back button.

I cleaned up the code a bit, too;