24 hour update development!
There is not a whole lot changed in all honesty, but some of the quite minor bugs present in the game has been fixed. I've also made some new graphical elements to the game, and hidden certain statistics from other players who don't own other squares such as which resources are placed in a square.
Other than that, the only major feature is the introduction of the Mine Building! Its a very basic setup that doubles your output (not twice as fast, just twice the amount) of resources while they are still available.
The other major thing is opening the game up for other players: Before you had to subscribe to the Wargames Complete Pack. You can now subscribe to just Chrono Wars, and as an added bonus: the first player to join a hosted game without a subscription gets free access! This means if you want to try the game yourself, you can now do so without paying for it. It also means if you subscribe and host; you can leave it open and when a player with the access leaves, the next player who joins can take their place with the free pass!
Here is a full round up of features in my usual style:
* Beforehand, I apparently added an option menu from dropdown menu to change music and sfx volumes!
* Death Sounds now shouldn't wait in queue resulting in constant death noises.
* Sound channel changes. Before, music was on channel 1 and sfx on channel 2.
+ New setup:
- 1 is still music
- 2 is still notifications
- 4,5,6,7 is now death sounds
- 3 and 8 for now remain free
* The default window resolution has been increased to cater for the lack of 640w resolutions now in use in 2017.
* Population increases has been adjusted to slow down rabbit reproduction effect.
* Starting population is now 5 instead of 1 to prevent initial waiting period.
* A bug meant that defending unit costs would display pre-research, fixed.
* New research icon shows progress, 25%, 50% and 75% (sort of works).
- Red for Attack research.
- Blue for Defence research.
* Researchers now return to the manpower pool once completing a research.
* Random Map generator has been improved to ensure your set parameters are met before placing assets.
* Scientists can now be assigned x10 for speed.
* Miners can now be assigned x5 for speed.
* General interface improvements, including bolding unit # and using icons for building health.
* Rocks and oil pits now dot the landscape for particular resources, purely visual and holding no gameplay related stats.
* Resource types are now "hidden" although certain ones will present rocks and oil pits as part of the environment.
* You can now build mines that do.... something.
- Restricted to Copper age +
- Double output for resources, until its depleted (that is, you get twice as much, not deplete twice as fast!).
- Can have Defender on top, making the max 3 now.
* From now on, the first player to join without a subscription is allowed to play for free, allowing one free 'subscription'. If this is the host, only they can take it.
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