Downloaded and compiled. I'll run some tests and check back.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Another cause for hanging and display problems with turf images was found.
Your test case helped me pinpoint the issue--actually two issues bundled into one. I found when I used the test2 verb with 1, and then with 2, it would always hang immediately.
Glad I could help. Looking forward to testing out the next build!
No luck in build *1404. The test case is still relevant.

I noticed your note says "turf images", but that's only one of the problems. The red squares seen in the test case are images attached to objects, while the number (at the bottom left) is a turf-attached image.
It's fixed in 1405

Oops, my bad. Thanks MrStonedOne.
Alright, so the test case performs a lot better. However, I'm getting a consistent client hang in the big project that I initially noticed the issues in. Because of this, I'm unable to check if the image stuff is working or not.

Lummox JR, run that project if you still have it and attempt to create a character in the latest build. You should see what I'm referring to. The hang occurs immediately.
/tg/ players are also still reporting hangs in the 1405 =\
So like my cough, I also can't seem to shake these two bugs (including all shades of the regex thing). Great.
Oh don't worry, once you shake the cough you'll have some epiphany as to what you missed on these bugs and feel stupid.
FKI, I tried creating a character in your original project but nothing happened.

I don't still have your full instructions for causing the hang, though, so all I did was choose the first options for village and clan in your game when creating a new character, and I did zero customization. If that's wrong, please let me know.
Pager messaged you.
MrStonedOne, you mind attempting a test case?

Lummox does not get the hangs in the real project I sent over, and the problem proc I managed to identify as the culprit does not reproduce in a test environment. We are at a standstill until we can get him something.
one thing i had a report of, was some hangs that involved changing of a screen object that happened around the same time as a turf image change.

I'll take a look tonight or tomorrow morning
Well, managed to produce another hanging scenario...

- Run the test environment.
- Execute the "test" command.
- Begin moving constantly in any direction.
- Observe.

I've managed to produce the hang in every test.
In response to FKI
Awesome. As it happens, I just fixed a hanging scenario and can use your test case as a comparison to see if the fix works there too.
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