Teleport(mob/M in world)
set name = "Teleport"
set category = "Admin"
if(M != src)
src.x = M:x
src.y = M:y-1
src.z = M:z
src.dir = NORTH
Problem description:
So I've been programming our game for quite some time now, and its been going smoothly, but all of a sudden one morning i started getting this error when i use certain Admin Commands.
"runtime error: Undefined variable /client/var/x
proc name: Teleport (/mob/Staff/verb/Teleport)
source file: Admin,459
usr: the zxc (/mob)
src: Anime HQ (/client)
usr.loc: the floor4 (36,40,6) (/turf/Buildings/Inside/Classroom/floor4)
call stack:
Anime HQ (/client): Teleport(Raiji Sensei (/mob/NPCs/Quest/Tutorial/Combat_Teacher))"
It says undefined variable, /client/var/x but thats quite weird. Any idea what could be wrong?
"src: Anime HQ (/client)"