We finally got snow, and it pretty much all came at once. I only hope we'll have some when it counts, for Christmas! (The ten-day forecast says we can expect snow on Christmas, but in my neck of the woods the ten-day forecast is equivalent to throwing tarot cards at a Magic 8-Ball.)
The webclient didn't really see much action this week like I'd intended, because 512 needed some more fixes before heading into the holiday and those took priority. A couple of issues were on the hard-to-diagnose side, and like all such issues they ultimately boiled down to something stupid. One was a typo. Yep, that's how it goes.
I've been looking into a potential last-minute feature, allowing an override of the object-to-text conversion, but it comes at a cost of consistency and I'm not sure yet if that's too high. The change would only be able to impact embedded string expressions, and for the most part it would not apply to direct output via the << operator. Yet there are a number of situations where it would be desirable, so the question is whether the inconsistency is too terrible and whether the reference can be clear enough on that.
Because next week is the last before Christmas, 512 will not become the new stable build until the new year. I really want to get the webclient up to par before that happens anyway, so that's important. But we're really close in terms of bugs, which is fantastic. 511 took a heck of a lot longer in that department.
Speaking of next week, it's probably going to be a short one because Christmas falls on a Monday. We'll see, though. If any bugs come up and I can squash them, there may be a new release just before the holiday break.
We're getting down to the wire for 2017, so get in the big guy's good graces with a last-minute Membership or donation to BYOND. Your support makes all the difference, and I thank everyone who's been a part of that this year.
![]() Dec 15 2017, 12:58 pm