I am trying to make the following href button parse the information for requestid, however I am never able to get it to find the value with whatever I tried, the N.requestid is a number, so I'm not sure if it is a different approach then mobs (which did work elsewhere in the code).
This is the button, the requestid IS available, N does Exist So thats not it.
dat += "<li><font color='green'>REQUEST-#[N.requestid]<b></font>|</b>[N.requesttype], FROM [N.fromchar]. TO [N.tochar]. FOR [N.requesttext]. <a href='?src=\ref[src];choice=reqaccept;requestid=[N.requestid]'>Accept</a><a href='?src=\ref[src];choice=reqdeny;requestid=[N.requestid]'>Deny</a></li><br>"
And this is the line for getting the variable back into the system:
var/id = href_list["requestid"]
I have also tried locate here, adding \ref to it, I just can't get it to work..
try running id thru text2num()