![]() Jan 31 2012, 2:56 pm
So you guys need to get this game going again. i can not find any other game i can get into and i need something to do.
![]() Jan 31 2012, 3:30 pm
So true :(
no idea. just i was gone for the weekend and when i tried getting on sunday night it was down, and has not come up yet. pretty bummed about it
The game is going to be down until GrandJ decides to find a new host, or I can finally manage to get Byond to let me host again, I got a new computer and it's not letting me host even with forwarding the ports.
goddamn >.< But why your computer is blocking you from hosting? Is one of those problems of Acess Denied that Windows Vsita has a lot xD?
does your router have dmz hosting capability? if you dont know, go in to your router settings and look for a DMZ or DMZ hosting tab, if it does have it, enable it and set your computers local ip adress as the DMZ host, but make sure you have a personal firewall on your computer because DMZ hosting opens all ports and completely disables the router's firewall for your computer