BYOND Version:512.1388
Operating System:Linux
Web Browser:Chrome 63.0.3239.59
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.


var/a = null

Undefined operation: 1 / null

Changing this to a Dream Maker bug, since the compiler ought to be carping about it.

Where are you using 1/null without the = though? What's the context? I know on its own the compiler will definitely complain about a missing expression.
We aren't actually using it ourselves, this came up via the dm irc bot we have (it compiles a project and runs the code) when we were testing how null reacted to be being used in maths to prove a point to somebody who jokingly suggested changing some code to not check for null since it would be seen as zero anyways in part of an algo. (as an aside, no, you can't assume null will be zero in math because it isn't always 0, sometimes its 1).

So the context was world.log << "[1/null]"

The only reason I even bothered to make a bug report is because i thought it was super odd that anything in math acted differently when a value was explicitly defined vs stored in a var.

Ah, an embedded string expression. I'll check that out soon.
BTW, my attempt to deal with this was what led to the compilation problems in 512.1396. I'm going to revisit this another time because it still needs looking into properly.