[FIXED] Transporters not moving bound particles from the extracellular binding domain to the intracellular one before letting it into the cell
[ADDED] A few more motifs, one specifically for making the cell move
[ADDED] Added a few more non-standard genes you can start with, some of rather questionable functionality. It's up to you to weed em out
[ADDED] The very beginnings of a guide. It looks ugly and is extremely buggy so only the main page can currently be accessed
[ADDED] Protein regulation depending on its conformation. Some domains can now be active or inactive depending on what it bound
[TWEAK] Changed the replication initiating protein to need a cofactor in order to be in its active state
Nov 22 2017, 12:10 pm
Dec 18 2017, 12:54 pm
In case anyone is wondering, I'm busy with exams, but some of the stuff of the next version has already been coded, like taking most of the script inside the promoter loop outside, making it slightly more efficient and giving the possibility to check for promoters in advance. Since I don't want to half-ass the job though, I set myself a little list of things I want to be done before releasing the next version.