Rp Radio CE - Version 1.2 (Update15) RELEASED! Server Settings, Battlesystem, Currencies, Embeds, Admins, and more! http://w11.zetaboards.com/Sega_Sonic_Corp/topic/30345518/ 1/?x=0#post10012036
Download here: https://archive.org/download/RPRadioCE/RP-Radio%20CE.zip
Or, you can update through the Byond Pager! It's live now!
Version 1.2 (Update15)
1.) Fixing the looping of DJ Ticket 2 Music
2.) Restoring the XEdit button
3.) Fixed YouTube embeds. It should now work properly, and using a new technique, these embeds should be faster than before, and even work for players who might not have been able to load embeds in their browsers previously!
1.) 'Server Settings' has been added
**.) Server Settings lets you add/make the following changes to your server: Battlesystem, Say Limit, Emote Limit, Whisper Limit, Currency, Moderators
***.) YES! You can finally change your server's battlesystem to one of 4 options.
***.) YES! You can change the name of your servers currency! Don't want RINGS? Give them something else! Goodbye Global GDP!
2.) addhpmax: addhp: -- etc. now support custom inputs. can be based off stats
3.) new inflicts added:
SetVar: VARIABLE - sets VARIABLE to the amount dictated by inflictamount
AddVar: VARIABLE - sets VARIABLE in addition to the amount dictated by inflictamount
A player requested a version of the client with an icon size of 128x128, therefore I now have a brand new shiny alternative version of this CE engine with 128x128 icon_size, which is seperate from the client players will load through the pager. This also has an FPS limit of 40, which is double the performance load of regular CE servers! This means your server should be much faster and handle more detailed icons, howveer the tradeoff is players with toasters may struggle loading your game. If interested in this client, all you have to do is click here: https://archive.org/download/RPRadioCE/RP-Radio%20CE_128.zip
More info here: http://w11.zetaboards.com/Sega_Sonic_Corp/topic/30345518/ 1/?x=0#post10012036
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