This game that I've been too lazy and depressed to make (I was working on it passionately, but like right when I hit new project, my three favorite people abandoned me and I've been depressed since. How can I work on something if she's not looking over me anymore...sigh...) I wanted to work on it today and yesterday but I keep being too depressed, but I'm going to
Hamster Rivals Hangout
Its so cool and amazing like puke up an amazing donkey's butt
Like you can talk to Abu and just like in Love Plus where you can hit a SOS game button if you feel suicidal and am about to immediately kill yourself, Abu and perhaps other NPCs in the game will try to cheer you up!
Someone at the lunch table used to ask me the advice of the day. I'd say idk and then they all made fun of me. I miss those friends. so in the game, there'll be a hamster that gives advice. he'll wag his paws, go down, then pop up and a message box will appear with advice (I was originally just gonna make GIFs of this for tumblr, but then I thought it'd be nifty to have in the game too.)
and if you feel as depressed as I am and want to kill yourself immediately by inhaling car exhaust gas or something, the NPC hamsters will help cheer you up,
and you can build hamster clubhouses and invite others and do basically almost all the activities from my hamtaro fangame (which this one isn't) except massively expanded.
like instead of there being one laser tag arena, there'd be multiple with multiple different modes. instead of one race course like in my previous game, there'd be lots of different ones you can do.
and it'd have the cool stuff my previous game had, like how there's 5 different critical hits, but you only start with one and you can only unlock the other more powerful ones when you have enough Luck points (you can choose how your stats increase.)
expanding on building hamster clubhouses, it won't be complicated and weird to build stuff, and you can go to a furniture shop that changes its items every in-game day once in a while (like in animal crossing)
and like if you feel REALLY FREAKING depressed like I do, MOBs or NPCs or w/e ya wanna call them will be supportive or at least one of them will, but I mean besides that, all the hamsters will be all happy and cheerful well SOME of them I mean lols gosh I won't go overboard and anyways
anyways I found ppl to do the hamster graphics (idk how much it costs yet tho so idk for sure) and I wish I had ppl to do map tiles, help me start up the website about my game (I purchased a domain three months ago but idk how to make the site at all,) and I need character designs too and all kinds of stuff
Hamster Rivals Hangout!! though, is gonna be great. Amazing.
And then it will be great and be on Steam and then well I also have other ideas for projects but for now... Hamster Rivals Hangout !!!!!! *insert cool theme song here*
I'm actively working on it. Well I've been wanting to work on it REALLY BAD for the past 8 months, but I'm too depressed to start it. I just remember, over and over again, when I asked for help on BYOND forums, and everyone replied saying "WOW ABU NO *FACEPALMS* YOUR CODING IS SO BAD AND I AM LITERALLY NOT GOING TO HELP YOU AT ALL BECAUSE I AM PERSONALLY INSULTED AT HOW EXTREMLY BAD YOUR PROGRAMMING AND BYOND SKILLS ARE, PLEASE KILL YOURSELF, PLEASE" or something like that, and I keep being afraid that I'll end up programming badly.. Idk if I'm supposed to use Atoms or Mob for the player is my first question that pops up and all my skills I got from copying a dragon ball z byond game in early year 2002 and thats how I learned everything that I know today about BYOND.
Hamster Rivals!!! Hangout !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is amazing and is going to take the world by storm
its hard to post about it on reddit, like ppl keep being weird lately, they keep telling me, over and oever "I assume that this post is a troll post. I assume that you're a troll" and ppl keep messaging me on reddit asking if I'm a troll. My dad always talks about reddit so I post there but all that happens is that I ask for friends and say I'm lonely and everyone downvotes my posts and messages me asking if I'm a troll. Its so hard to make a friend I just want a friend more than life itself.
If you want to support Hamster Rivals, you can =^-^= I said above some of the talent that's needed. I'd mention my patreon but I won't bother until I work on the game some more.
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All rights reserved.
Worry not about what others think -- this is the worst thing you can do for yourself if your goal is to feel good and be productive. As long as your experience is dictated by someone other than yourself, you will be unhappy, or in your words, depressed.
No one starts good anything -- everyone starts somewhere on the mastery spectrum and works their way up through dedication, diligence, and focus.
I, like you, started on poor anime rip sources. I never worried about how good I was or what anyone thought, I was only focused on my goals. Once I learned where I was on the mastery spectrum, then I sought to improve myself so that I could execute my goals that much better. It actually wasn't until I got much better that I became overly self-conscious about how good I was at programming, but that was a learning experience I overcame.
I am 10 years in and still learning. Do not worry about your skill level and just strive to improve yourself and whatever it is that you choose to dedicate your time to -- the skill will come.
Understand this: thoughts are powerful tools of creation. How you think strongly affects how you feel internally, and how you project yourself externally. The problem with most though, is that they are slaves while their habitual mind is the master. This must change if you are ever going to transcend your current problems. What you must do is take control of your well-being and change what thoughts you entertain. As long as you reinforce the thought of depression, that is what you create for yourself.
A simple exercise you can do to get control of your mind is the act of closely monitoring what you are thinking. When thoughts pop up in your mind, determine whether the thought resonates with your true desires, or are they products of your habitual monkey-mind? Does the thought make you feel good or bad? Light or heavy? Engage any thoughts that feel good and pay no attention to those that do not, simply let them come and go. Proactively think of things that make you feel good and focus on those thoughts. Do this every waking moment, especially when you feel like you're coming down. When you learn to focus on the thoughts that elevate your state of being and make you feel good, rather than the ones that bring you down, I promise you your whole life experience will change for the better and you will be a strong, vibrant person who can achieve whatever you put your mind to effortlessly.
People do not usually ask for friends -- it happens or it doesn't. Asking for friends comes off as needy. This is the last feeling you want others to pick up on.
Before you can make friends who are worthwhile, you need to get comfortable with the person in your own skin first. Get to know that growing person who calls him or herself MartialArtistAbu and become best friends with self. When you are happy with self, you won't feel like you need someone else as a friend or otherwise -- at the same time, you will attract people who promote and elevate you and create much more meaningful relationships in the process. Should someone come and go though, your happiness won't go with them because you are comfortable with self.
I once heard wise words that stuck with me: "Some people are in your life for a season; some people are in your life for a reason." Let life flow, but get caught up in the wave and you'll miss everything.
It's your choice as to whether you continue drowning, or poke your head above water, take a deep breathe of life, and begin to ride the wave that is now while appreciating what is past.
I hope something said here sticks with you and encourages positive development. There are so many people wasting life that is borrowed from the first breath -- let's remove you from that group of people. Much love.