(See the best response by Ter13.)
Maybe I'm wrong, but I swear an area with density=1 used to block dense mob entry.
density= 1
density = 1

Placing a section of area/dense on the map does not stop the mob from walking into it. Has it alwyas been that way, or is that a bug?
Best response
It's not a bug. Many of my libraries explicitly force areas to consider density. area.Enter() just returns 1 by default.

return !(density&&o.density)
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
It's not a bug. Many of my libraries explicitly force areas to consider density. area.Enter() just returns 1 by default.

Would that be:
> area
> Enter(atom/movable/o)
> return !(density&&o.density)

If both are dense, return False. If either or both are non-dense, return true.

Yep, you nailed it. Someone could probably make a semantic correction about short-circuiting, but it would be unnecessary, childish, and deep in spectrum territory.