My current problem is I'm trying to get My Fusion Keypad to open a FusionForceField.
The thing with this is I'm going to want to make it so that I can open different force fields with different Fusion Keypads..

This is my current coding:


name = "Fusion KeyPad"
icon = 'Fusion KeyPad.dmi'
icon_state = "Active"
Power = 1
PoweredOn = 1
ID = 111

desc = "Using SoulPrint Identification, Only those with the highest Clearance Level can open the Fusion Force Field Doors."

name = "Fusion Force Field"
icon = 'Fusion Force Field.dmi'
icon_state = "Active"
Power = 1
PoweredOn = 1
ID = 111
density = 1
HurtLevel = 25
desc = "This Fusion Force Field Door can handle anything you can throw at it, the only thing that can open it is The Fusion KeyPad with the right Clearance Level."

var/obj/FusionIDapproved = 0
var/obj/Connection = 0

if(usr.KeyCard == 1)
while(FusionIDapproved == 1)
else usr << "<b><font color = red> Access Denied. </font>"

set src in view()
var/obj/FusionForceField/M = (/obj/FusionForceField)
if(usr.KeyCard == 1)
if(M.ID == src.ID)
FusionIDapproved = 1
else return 1
else usr << "<b> <font color = red> Access Denied. </font>"

I tried using the

so I could match the two Fusion parts together, but I haven't found a successful way to link them. I also don't know how to call the proc
from the Fusion Force Field proc. I was hoping someone can clear this up so I can apply what I learn to future problems like this.

Thank You.

Hey guys, I'm still working on my game, and I realized that using flick() proc to open the fusion force field, doesn't work because flick() is only meant in this case to show movement and what I actually wanted to do was change the icon_state and density temporarily.
I think the reason I picked flick() in the first place is because of the convienience of the paramaters which I couldn't get working.

Now my problem is more understood that it's the icon_state I have to change, But I can't figure out how to get the icon_state changed because it is actived by a brother on the same tree and I never learned how to get around the coding tree without using var procedures.
I did manage to piece together a code that compiles, but the fusion force field still won't open. Later on I want to add DblClick() to the Fusion Key Pad, thats why I had to use to different objects for this.

This is what I have so far:

name = "Fusion KeyPad"
icon = 'Fusion KeyPad.dmi'
icon_state = "Active"
Power = 1
PoweredOn = 1

desc = "Using SoulPrint Identification, Only those with the highest Clearance Level can open the Fusion Force Field Doors."

name = "Fusion Force Field"
icon = 'Fusion Force Field.dmi'
icon_state = "Active"
Power = 1
PoweredOn = 1

density = 1
HurtLevel = 25
desc = "This Fusion Force Field Door can handle anything you can throw at it, the only thing that can open it is The Fusion KeyPad with the right Clearance Level."
//I actually don't know how to change the icon_state without using the "var/obj/b" and using "b.icon_state ="...
//Since this didn't work I gave the usr a message: "You open the Fusion Force Field"
//When I click OpenForceField, the Fusion Force Field stays "Active" and density = 1 (Which I don't want) but the usr gets his message
//that he opened the force field. This means the code is completely being read, but the b variable isn't.

//Is there any way to link the Fusion Force Field with the KeyPad enough to change the Force Fields Icon from the Keypad(and density)

set src in view()
var/obj/b = (/obj/Fusion/FusionForceField1)
if (usr.KeyCard == 1)
b.icon_state = "Open"
b.density = 0
usr << "You open the Fusion Force Field"
b.icon_state = "Active"
b.density = 1

else usr << "<b><font color = red> Access Denied. </font>"

Any help on this issue would be grately appreciated.
Thank You.
var/obj/b = (/obj/Fusion/FusionForceField1)

This is not right. You want an actual reference to the force field object instance you are opening. What you have is a variable containing an object type which is used to create an object instance.

An example of something that may help you towards your goal:
var obj/f = locate(/obj/force_field) in get_step(usr, usr.dir)

// ...which is identical to:
var obj/force_field/f = locate() in get_step(usr, usr.dir)

Then you would go on to set the icon_state, density, and so on, of f, accordingly.
Coco50Nitty wrote:
else usr << "<b><font color = red> Access Denied. </font>"

Omg plz always close your HTML tags or you make HTML-Jesus cry.