Season 7 premiered two nights ago, and I have to say it's among the best opening episodes yet. I absolutely love that they brought back Twisty from Freak Show as he's among my favorite television characters ever, and Freak Show was also my favorite season of AHS, largely in part due to Twisty.
I'm also glad to see that the writers are being very fair and lampooning both extreme sides of the political spectrum, and not just singling out Trump and his supporters. I was skeptical about how biased they'd be but they've proven so far that the show can very gracefully dance on the fine line between the two.
I'm eager to discuss more, but I'll wait to see if anyone else joins in. All in all, I'm very impressed and excited to see more. It's not Fall unless there's new American Horror Story and spoopy things to watch ( who else is gonna see 'It'? ).
So who else is a fan of the series?