![]() Nov 17 2006, 2:04 pm
i did. don't care though, i have freedom of speech. i can say his opinions are shit.
Silent, most of your comments had profanity and insults in it. None of it proved a point.
Grevious wrote:
Yeah. Every person that has ever AWOLed was given an unreasonable order. soldiers are human beings. they are not perfect, no one is. Everyone makes decisions with good/bad judgement |
I disagree that the Army is slavery. These people are willing to fight for their country, keeping it safe for the others. Just because your fighting to save others does not make you a fool. Sure, bush isn't doing anything but calling the shots, but he does do more then you probably think.
They throw you in jail if you refuse, idiot. They're not drafting people yet, and it's the recruit's own fault if he goes AWOL. You're a little too passionate about a subject you know little about. I hate the military and Bush no less than the next guy, but "Slavery" isn't the correct term for it, a president sending off troops is perfectly logical, only a minority of troops are "misguided" (most hate what the government is doing, but because of that, there's still a job to be done and they have little choice), and pulling out of iraq right now would have devistating effects on the iraqi people. You're right that going over seas and shooting people doesn't neccessarely make them a hero, but hero is in the eyes of the beholder. To me, calling them Heros is a bit of a stretch, but I'm very appreciative of what they believe in and that they risk their lives for what they believe in. Regardless of what's reality, they still believe they're helping save the lives of the Americans at home and they're making a sacrifice to do so. Misguidance doesn't deserve disrespect. |
People who were against the Iraq war was just dumb. Saddam needed to be taken out, the disgusting thing is why didn't we do it sooner, or even in the gulf war. The sad fact is though, the US still liked Saddam back then.
This war is mainly a mistake. Bush did some stupid crap that he shouldn't have done, and now he sends soldiers over there to right his wrongs.
It's stupid. |
We would have been done with Iraq by now if it wasn't for one person: Rumsfeld.
Despite the fact that he was "wrong" about WMD's, Bush was right that Saddam was a bad person and needed to be eliminated, like Ace said. |
I only have 1 hour left to debate with you guys. WWE comes on at 8:00, so lets wrap this up.
Grevious wrote:
I only have 1 hour left to debate with you guys. WWE comes on at 8:00, so lets wrap this up. be a stubborn bitch* |
"Uhm, there were WMDs in Iraq."
No there wern't, unless you were refering to the old, out of date chemical weapons Saddam bought from the US government waayyy wayyyy back several decades ago. |
bush isnt bad cuz of iraq, hes bad because hes a medeocre president in general.
Here is how I feel.
If the U.S. so happens to lose the war, and the Iraqi's come over into the U.S. and started attacking, I would fight to stay alive. But no, I'm not going to fight for some crazy crap Bush did. Bush started it, so let him finish it. |