I've said it once, and I'm going to say it again. The military is SLAVERY.
Bush makes a fool out of every single person that joins the army. Bush has people running out into Iraq to drop some bombs, while he sits on his lazy butt and chills all day with his family. You know those commercials about the military, when they say "be a hero" or "fight for freedom"? Running your ignorant butt out into Iraq and putting a bullet in someones head does not make you a "hero" or a "savior". It makes you a straight up fool. You run out there, kill some Iraqi's and then eventually get yourself killed doesn't "save" anyone.
All those people on Evi's blog that commented about my comment, you made absolutely no sense. No, I did not feel this way from watching the news. No, saying military is slavery does not make me an idiot or stupid. Ever wonder why Bush isn't out fighting the war? Ever wonder why his children aren't fighting? You know, back in bibical times, the King actually fought along with his army. Bush, on the other hand, sits back and laughs at all the retards that are fighting so he can feel safe.
The army is just like slavery. They tell you when to wake up, they tell you when to go to sleep. They tell you what to eat, when to eat it, how to eat it. They tell you who to kill, when to kill, how to kill. And if you refuse, you are punished, just like slaves were back in slavery time. There is no difference.
It's slavery. Wake up.
![]() Nov 17 2006, 1:13 pm
Yeah. And you don't tend to pay slaves money or provide the money for a 4 year college course.
They throw you in jail if you refuse, idiot. Cutting your fingers off is no different. Also, you don't have to care about my opinion, I didn't tell you to.
It's not an opinion, it's fact. |
Not necessarily. For one thing, they have to prove that you knowingly failed to register for the draft, which is extremely hard to do; VERY few people are arrested and actually put in jail for draft dodging.
The draft hasn't been in effect since Vietnam. All those soldiers in Iraq right now? They made the choice to be in the army. Your opinions are not facts just because you want them to be. |
Hey, uhm, you know that Congress controls the army, navy, and airforce, right? The president only controls the marines.
Try again, though! |
If you walk away from the army, and say "I quit, I'm not doing this anymore", they throw you in jail. Haven't you heard of AWOL?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desertion |
So? They AGREED to that.
Listen, I can understand that maybe you're too much of a pussy to join the armed forces, but don't crack down on them when they are the reason you are born into the freedoms you have that allow you to talk shit about the army and not get thrown in prison, tortured, or killed. |
Airjoe, whoever controls what, Bush is on his lazy butt all day. He doesn't care that people are dying.
http://www.fahrenheit911.com/ |
So everyone who defended your rights, fought for your freedoms, died for your liberties is a fool?
Wow. Ignorance has reached a new low. You are no longer worth my time, and I hope you get drafted sometime in the near future for this shit. |
Yeah. Grevious, go talk to a few Veterans and say what you've said here. If you survive, come back and talk some more.
Airjoe wrote:
Grevious uses Michael Moore videos for his information. |
Silent, you make no sense. First you talk about how people fight for liberty and all this crap, but then you turn around and say you wouldn't defend.
There are some intelligent, grateful people you would be fighting for, so what's the problem? "and I hope you get drafted sometime in the near future for this shit." No, I'll be in jail. |
People bring this upon themselves as soon as the papers are signed and they enter basic training. Don't like it? Fuck off, no one gives a shit about your opinion.