Caught this person passing off some code as theirs.


When confronted I was blocked, no explanation.

This is the original ad:

Which was later altered to this after I was blocked:

Which essentially means both of the code examples and pretty much everything I've seen from this person relies heavily on libs and not their claimed experience.

Thanks for the heads up Avid. :)

Only tangentially related, but am I the only person that keeps reading that guy's name as AspieHer0? lol
Wish it was possible to find accounts linked to that one.
Associated key data is easy to implement but I doubt that would happen.
Good idea tho.

And you're welcome.
In response to Avidanimefan
Associated key data is actually already a thing. That's how sticky bans with Daemon work.
Ah. Maybe they could link that to the website in some way to help prevent things like this from happening.
Deleted. The AspireHer0 account was only created this past Sunday, and I know who owns it. I expect him to show more common sense the next time he posts.
Cool. Happy I could help.
I understand your concern, but to call me a scammer is a bit hostile (as was the way you messaged me). I uploaded original code. You're welcome to view it.
I find your blocking me hostile.
Guess we just have different perceptions.