Hi Guys,
As you all probably are aware now Wargames is not a high priority anymore but I still get some enjoyment out of giving it an update now and again.
With Lummox JR in charge, BYOND has gone through a lot of behind the scenes changes which really should just make everything work better; and in 95% of cases I'm sure this is true.
Given how poorly coded Wargames is however, and how it isn't updated as part of the BYOND update cycle, things tend to break when new features or general improvements are made, and this requires Wargames updating to remain functional.
While 2.0.5 mostly works at this time, there is a few things that aren't and has created an opportunity to update a few other things. So alongside the usual keep-it-working update 2.0.6 will have:
1) Progression of the Scenario Mode. Helped by a slight improvement to the start menu, the Scenario Demo now includes a pre-built map for the enemy in the Scenario: The Holy Roman Empire, based upon a totally unrealistic map of Vienna at around the same time period. Don't get excited, its really basic!
2) Religion improvements. I made some behind the scenes data around 2.0 to finally get towards implementing something intended probably about 10 years ago now: Religious buildings. A generic building is now in, I need to implement features for it, and if I'm good I'll also be doing building variations for different faiths implemented into the game so far.
3) Government Efficiency: Something I wanted to add in when Government Buildings came in. Originally they were designed as "pre industrial power plants" but wanted them to have a post industrial use as well. They already have various little benefits, such as slight resource and money incomes, but this will create a % based system for the land. Tertiary sector buildings (services, such as schools hospitals etc) and military buildings will also have a small government efficiency bonus, but towns and markets alongside resource buildings will reduce it. Ideologies will likely play into this too, Liberal will require less GE for example, while Communism and Fascism would require more.
4) Whatever else I could manage before I start going overboard and making enough content for another version.
So TLDR version is: Fixes, Scenario Mode, Religion, Government building improvements.
![]() Aug 4 2017, 7:03 am
![]() Aug 4 2017, 1:59 pm
Sounds great I can not wait to try it.
Did I ever give you permission to host it on TinyShell? Not sure if I managed it myself or allowed you to.
@Xirre, I think we did discuss it at some point, but its probably been so long ago that I can't remember if you gave me any actual control of it. I suppose it would be nice to have a server up for old times sake, and if people use it I'd update it!
I gave you permission to host on the main server at http://www.byond.com/games/TinyCosmo/TinyShell. If you need anything further, such as more server slots or a higher CPU cap, let me know.