Right now, we're suffering through the "fad virus". This version is known as "Naruto". It'll be over in a few months... hopefully...

Other virals that have been known to lasted years: DBZ and Pokemon.


Err yeah... basically put, it'll go down in rank, when the fad changes or when a REALLY good game comes out.

So shut up with your complaints, most of us don't care and getting very annoyed about it...

BTW: Go play LRS or especially Ultimatum >_>
I agree. All this bullshit about NBOLTS is exactaly that Bullshit.

Worldweaver, Xeal and SolBadGuy espically need to get over it. And lord knows Kica got a yelling at. The lot of them are just pissing a large majority of people off. Espically with the overdone, and far from humorious rips they've brought out. NBOLTS:Reborn etc.
I've never been angry about it, in fact, i've never really cared, I just love the opportunity to start a little drama, it's funny as hell
No, it isn't. That there, is the problem. If it was funny, then we'd be laughing, you know, 'hahahahaha'. But you see, we're not laughing. You're laughing. That in turn, doesn't make it funny, it makes it anoying...
If drama wasn't funny, there wouldn't be trolls. So i'm not the only one who finds it funny.

Yes i'll admit i've trolled a bit...

It'll blow over soon anyway
Not if you guys keep going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about it =/
Tiberath wrote:
Not if you guys keep going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about it =/

Like you? =/
Hey, this is the third time I've said something about it. The other two were pointing out flaws in Kica's entire idea. And unlike these lot, I'm not making rips like "NBOLTS:REBIRTH" Hosting it and making all this big fuss about how poorly it's programmed and the fact that it's ranked #1. I'm telling them to shut the fuck up, there's a bit of a difference there. I'm saying what lots of people are thinking.
Fair enough, the post on my page is the last post i'll make about it.
I find it kinda funny* that in spite of BigBoiD's intentions of knocking N:Botls down from the top rankings, that the game is STILL so high up AND people can now acquire the source. It's a living worst case scenario. Good job BigBoiD! :P

*Not the 'haha' kind of funny.
I guess BigBoiD forgot that people can have upto 10 favourite games, not just one... as well as because of the stupid publicity (sp?) of it now, some people ranked it just to piss off other people *cough*Xeal*cough*
Oh god...the NBotLS...
Shut up about the NBotLS!
Oh god...the NBotLS...
Oh god...the NBotLS...
Oh god...the NBotLS...
Shut up about the freaking NBotLS already!
Oh god...the NBotLS...
OMFG!! Shut up about the freaking NBotLS already! :P
But N Bottles is a funny name.