I will be hosting a game in a day from 8/05/17 to 8/13/17. This means you can choose any 24 hour period between those dates to mak your gam.
You MUST page me, Discord me, Skype me, whatever - at most 3 hours before you plan to start. This is when I will give you your themes.
Your submission will be due at the latest, 27 hours after I send you themes. 24 dev + 3 hrs to let the themes sink in. You can start immediately after receiving your themes, so that 3 hours can also be used for compiling, polishing, publishing and submitting.
You can of course submit it before the deadline as well.
You should include a little abstract about your game, and if you think you've accomplished the themes.
The general rules and such are laid out here:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 19EQnBJaQYyWyruxI4X-twSO54pym6Nx9qH7YRGwgbfc/edit
I've not yet finalized anything besides the dates and themes, so feel free to ask any questions or voice any concerns. I'm up for anything.
i also need judges. pls volunteer
this is also the official page of the giad, where things will be listed:

Honestly, I don't have a problem with the themes being released up to a week in advance for the people who start later in the development window. It's more of a gentleman's agreement not to cheat anyway.