Applies to:
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
So this is something I did manually, that the installer could do:

The idea being that context menus are added for alt actions one could reasonably want to do for dme and dmb files.

Others could exist to, like a convert to states on dmis, convert from states on folders or groups of pngs. The skys the limit.

In the mean time, any dev with knowledge of running commands and switches and what not can do this for their computer using any context menu editor (google it).

That's a neat idea.

Enjoy this batch script (copy/paste into a word processor and save as .bat)
:: This modifies your registry, obviously.
:: Use at your own risk, but nothing of risk is really here...
:: Oh, if any of these values exist CMD will prompt you for an override
:: Add /f to the end of each REG to delete any key that already exsits

:: Could also potentially do this to HKLM to set these options for all users..?
Set _reg=HKCU\Software\Classes\BYOND.dme_file\shell\
:: Modify _dir if you didn't install byond to the default directory
Set _dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\BYOND\bin

:: Add the compile option
REG Add "%_reg%compile" /ve /d "Compile"
REG Add "%_reg%compile" /v "icon" /d "%_dir%\dreammaker.exe",0
REG Add "%_reg%compile\command" /ve /d "\"%_dir%\dm.exe\" \"%%1\""

:: Add the clean compile option
REG Add "%_reg%compileclean" /ve /d "Compile (Clean)"
REG Add "%_reg%compileclean" /v "icon" /d "%_dir%\dreammaker.exe",0
REG Add "%_reg%compileclean\command" /ve /d "\"%_dir%\dm.exe\" -clean \"%%1\""
Would be simple enough to add to for the other options if you're so inclined.

EDIT: Modified and added the Clean Compile option.
Might want to also add a clean compile option,

Mine defaults to clean compile, because there is no reason to do any other compile with /tg/ stuff and we see rsc corruption bugs often, but other people might want the option of both.
My original installer build actually added quite a few context menu options for BYOND files, but it was phased out somewhere along the line (not sure if they ever used them in a live installer at all).

+1 from me.
In response to MrStonedOne
Aye aye Cap'n, I edited my first post.
Woulda done this sooner but I was at my brother's enjoying some lovely steak.